Choppy? Noise from rear when accelerating


Leaving Skid Marks
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1998 Legnum Type-S VR4
2004 Ford Territory 4 sp Dual fuel
2006 Ford Territory 6 sp Dual fuel
Rolls fine, goes down free way fine. Car drives fine but (I don't know if its just my one?) because the legnum has basically no sound deadener I hear all the noises :)
There's a choppy/flappy sound, very faint coming from the back of the car under hard acceleration (WOT 3-4gear for example) Goes away as soon as you close throttle.
I thought it was a bad gasket before the muffler but replacing that hasn't had any effect. Gives you an idea of the sound though? I would suspect a bearing but seems odd to go away when not fangin' it.
Any ideas?
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