Idling at the Lights
My apologies for putting this in the introduction thread i absolutely do not know how to work this, ive been a member since 2020 but never actually asked my own questions lol but the issue im having is my car has been down for a year or so for an alternator. Just wasnt bothered to change it. Finally got around to change it and some fuel lines and now the car wont start. I bought it with an aftermarket pump in it wired in with a relay and i serviced that stuff because the pump wasnt coming on so i thought it was that but when you hotwire the pump it works fine and the relay is getting current to it. But i changed the relay also so its not the relay itself. And even when i Hotwired the pump and cranked it didnt even stutter which makes me believe the car is not getting spark also. So what could cause me to not get signal to my fuel pump, and spark to my spark plugs only thing im thinking is the ecu because the fuses seem fine. Any help would be appreciated.