OZVR4 myths / misinformation / running gags


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レグナム Super VR-4
...every forum has them!

This is different to the "FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)" about the 8th Generation Galants/Legnums which can be found HERE. To help out those who've just joined OZVR4 (a warm welcome, by the way), here's a few to present to you in no particular order of importance or timeline.

The Pink Legnum
We KNOW about the appearance of the pink Legnum, 0:29 into the AAMI Insurance advertisement screened in 2011.

(still trying to find bradc's photo of it post-shoot on West Auckland's streets)

The 2009 / X Gen Mitsubishi Legnum


It's a clever photoshop of the current generation Lancer with a BMW 5-series station wagon rear-end. Google points me to this thread from Mitsubishi Club Finland.

But it's just a pipe dream, a "what if" fantasy should Mitsubishi ever resurrect the Galant/Legnum name.

The "2004 Type X Galant" with GTO running gear
A work in progress. More to come!

(to be continued)
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