Removing all external locks from your VR4


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
2000 Legnum Type-S
Just came across this on club-vr4,

basicly just replacing the front door handles with rear ones so that there is no lock for some bugger to shove a screwdriver into, sound like a good idea to me seeing that i will proberly never use the key to open the door anyway. Could be a pain on the Galants if ya get a flat battery.
Another thing to add to my shopping list when i go to NZ :D


Leaving Skid Marks
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I am so doing that mod. Seeing as my poor car will have to ruff the streets of Brunswick on a daily basis, anything to prevent some dickhead trying to fuck with the locks is worth trying.


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
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Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
I am going to get the lock on the boot removed, it is very ugly on facelift cars, but I also want to get the front doors delocked, but I still want a way in! Truth be told I don't care too much about the front door locks, I don't think they are that bad to look at.


All we need to do now is make brick-proof windows, and we're set!


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
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Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
wire up a 15,000v supply to all door handles. That'll fucking stop the bastards, and it would be kind of funny to come out and see 4 people spread out around the drivers door on the car.


OZVR4 Ambassador
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レグナム Super VR-4
Now, all we need is a nice place that can supply them for all of us here in Oz and we're set :)


1 AYC Bar
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Perth, WA
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SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
This is gonna seem off-topic, but bare with me.

What happens if you leave the lights on in a Legnum and switch the car off? Do the lights turn off, or just go to low power / park mode?

The reason I'm asking is the only time I've EVER run a battery flat was by accidentally leaving my lights on... and once you run a lead-acid battery flat, its screwed... Considering I always use high-quality batteries that can handle decent stereo's, that can be a VERY expensive mistake!

Even the best of us make mistakes like that when we're in a hurry, but there's an easy way around it. Install a solenoid into the power line for the lights, triggered by the ignition. That way no ignition power, no draining lights. Simple, cheap (about $5), and effective.

BTW if you do want a backup way to get into the car in case of battery failure, you could install a pull mechanism that attaches to the bonnet release under the car somewhere (obviously not TOO far under the car or it'll catch on something!!). That way you can always get in and replace the battery if you have to.


they stay on... but as long as you have removed the keys from the ignition when you open up the door, a buzzer alrm will sound...
but that dont work with a turbo timer as the ignition is still live till the engine shuts down....

i have a deep cycle battery in my car.... only time it went flat was when the car stood for a month and i had left the room/cabin light on, woops!


Leaving Skid Marks
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2000 Legnum Type-S Black Manual
Bare with me on this, but removing the locks on the doors, does or does not make it harder to break into the car, as these days they come in from the windows and pull the locks upfrom within the door. It looks cooler, but practicality is not there i feel...If it made a difference on stealability(definitely a formal english word) it would be worth the upgrade!
I would only do this to help prevent theft. Are there any benefits i've missed???


1 AYC Bar
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1999 Legnum Type S
There's got to be some way to access the car from outside if you shave the handles/locks for it to be roadworthy. Just keep that in mind.


Leaving Skid Marks
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2000 Legnum Type-S
mmm... true idea of removing locks is simply so some idiot doesn't shove a screwdriver into it as they do ruining it anyway


The pro's don't do that anymore - my neighbours R33 skyline almost got flogged - only his kill switch stopped them.

They got into his car by inserting something between the door and the rubber seal just to the left of the door handle (on the lock side) so unless you looked closely you would think that the car had been left unlocked. no real damage was immediately visible!

Clever buggers must have owned a R33 before or stolen a stack of them!

They then proceded to be not so gently on the inside - the smashed his steering column to pieces and rolled the car back onto the street but obviously could not steer to wee as they hit the brick fence on the way out... and then just sat there as the car refused to turn over!!

Cheeky buggers then just walked off swearing at my neighbour when he confronted them. They did not even run!!


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
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SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Hahaha Paul that's hilarious! If only we could install something like this in our cars... But then, you'd probably get a fair few deaths from 'accidents' too (read: letting your wife 'borrow' your car after discovering she's been screwing her boss for 6 months, but 'forgetting' to tell her how to disarm the lethal anti-theft device ;))


Scary thing is over in South Africa they have flame throwers for anti car jacking that pop out from under the side of the drivers and passenger door area and get rid of the problem for you - and these are real.


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Yes but you DO have to be in your car to operate it... and car jacking IS a very serious problem over there.

A friend of mine moved from South Africa to Australia when he was 16. On the way to the airport some guy tried to carjack them at an intersection. He was holding a gun but so was my friend (apparently everyone drives with one close by in certain cities out there) and his sister and mum were in the car with him, so he shot the guy in the face. He was on a plane out of the country within an hour or so of it and has never heard anything about it when he's been back since, so no idea if the guy survived or was used for dogmeat, but crazy sheeite... The value of a human life is pretty low in many places in the world.


Bare with me on this, but removing the locks on the doors, does or does not make it harder to break into the car, as these days they come in from the windows and pull the locks upfrom within the door. It looks cooler, but practicality is not there i feel...If it made a difference on stealability(definitely a formal english word) it would be worth the upgrade!
I would only do this to help prevent theft. Are there any benefits i've missed???

To be honest i wasnt really plugging it as a security feature, i just liked the look of the smoother door line. And you are right, if they popped out the handles, it is almost as easy to access the locking rod. Bear in mind that in NZ, it only cost $90NZ total for the mod, i got rid of the key marks around my front handle, and i am sure it must act as a deterrant, which in my opinion is 99% of the security battle these days anyway.

Also, if anyone in Aus wants to give it a go, i am happy to see if i can find handles to suit, since there is a mitsi wrecker 15 minutes from my place. $-wise depends on availability and colour (silver is everywhere over here), and it is worth waiting to find handles in mint condition as well, but i am happy to ask.
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