Hi everyone i have just found your site and really like what i see , the site is full of great info and is a good site to look around , thanks for making it so good .
I have come here really to find out more about the mighty legnum vr4 . What kind of things i should look out for when buying one ? What year of manufacture is the best to buy ? The touch screen on the centre consel can it be read in english ? All these kind of things i would like info on please if any one has the time and nowledge to pass on to me would be amazingly welcome,
Over and out for the moment
I have come here really to find out more about the mighty legnum vr4 . What kind of things i should look out for when buying one ? What year of manufacture is the best to buy ? The touch screen on the centre consel can it be read in english ? All these kind of things i would like info on please if any one has the time and nowledge to pass on to me would be amazingly welcome,
Over and out for the moment