Well it looks like im the proud owner or another Black FL Galant. I just put the deposit on her on Saturday and i should have her by Thursday.
Shes a beautiful Black late '98 FL Type V. Sure she doesnt have the MMCS system or the Tein Coilovers. But she is beautiful none the less. Shes got 50k on the clock so simialr km's, but i think she has a little more kick in her than the last one (but that could just be because ive been driving a One Tonne Rodeo for the last month and a bit).
In some ways its better she isnt exactly the same, hopefuly i can slip the 2 12" Subs and box from the Magna straight into her (with no GPS to worry about).
Its unbelieveable how happy a car can make you feel. The last 3 days ive been extatic with joy, simply because i get my baby back.
Shes a beautiful Black late '98 FL Type V. Sure she doesnt have the MMCS system or the Tein Coilovers. But she is beautiful none the less. Shes got 50k on the clock so simialr km's, but i think she has a little more kick in her than the last one (but that could just be because ive been driving a One Tonne Rodeo for the last month and a bit).
In some ways its better she isnt exactly the same, hopefuly i can slip the 2 12" Subs and box from the Magna straight into her (with no GPS to worry about).
Its unbelieveable how happy a car can make you feel. The last 3 days ive been extatic with joy, simply because i get my baby back.