Brocky-X aka Brocky // Brisbane - QLD



Well it looks like im the proud owner or another Black FL Galant. I just put the deposit on her on Saturday and i should have her by Thursday.

Shes a beautiful Black late '98 FL Type V. Sure she doesnt have the MMCS system or the Tein Coilovers. But she is beautiful none the less. Shes got 50k on the clock so simialr km's, but i think she has a little more kick in her than the last one (but that could just be because ive been driving a One Tonne Rodeo for the last month and a bit).

In some ways its better she isnt exactly the same, hopefuly i can slip the 2 12" Subs and box from the Magna straight into her (with no GPS to worry about).

Its unbelieveable how happy a car can make you feel. The last 3 days ive been extatic with joy, simply because i get my baby back.


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
Was a Ralliart Colt, was a 1997 Toyota Aristo was a 1996 Legnum..Now an XR5 Turbo
Ha ha ha Well just make sure you don't park her anywhere....anywhere at all....
I smell a dyno day acoming!


Leaving Skid Marks
Premium Member
First Name
Black FL Reganum
Congrats mate look after this one bro, I use to see your other Galant parked up by Mt Gravatt outside a cyber cafe.............I did see a car back up and I thought it might of hit your car, but I ended up stopping the driver of the car then I inspected your front of car which looked ok, and I released the driver of the offending car LOL

Sometimes I have to remind myself im not in a hostile country where ai am the law LOL Just looking out for your car.


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
glad to know you've found a new car.. does it have the recaro's and momo's?! either way.. you'll still enjoy it..

hope to see you again in future meets...


Fantastic news, im glad you found one pretty close to ya old one. Congrats!

As above, cant wait to see the pics :)


3 AYC Bars
Lifetime Member
First Name
1 PFL & 1 FL Legnum
I thought you might have got a fast EVO based on your sig... or and EVO wagon.

Glad to hear you're smiling again. ;)


Leaving Skid Marks
Driver, NT
First Name
96 Galant VR-4 Auto
I thought you might have got a fast EVO based on your sig... or and EVO wagon.

Glad to hear you're smiling again. ;)

Interesting you should say that Jungle, because in my mind's eye I pictured you Brocky writing that post with a huge grin on ya face!!:D

Congrats bloke and glad to hear that huge hole has been filled.:)


Ha ha ha Well just make sure you don't park her anywhere....anywhere at all....
I smell a dyno day acoming!

Dont park it anywhere ... its never leaving the house :p and i missed the Drag day as well so we will have to get on to Lee to see if anything is in the pipes.

Congrats mate look after this one bro, I use to see your other Galant parked up by Mt Gravatt outside a cyber cafe.............I did see a car back up and I thought it might of hit your car, but I ended up stopping the driver of the car then I inspected your front of car which looked ok, and I released the driver of the offending car LOL

I work next door to the Cyber Cafe, and thanks for looking after my old ride. Its good to know that even when you cant look after your car there maybe someone watching over it... the OzVR4 guardian Angels

pics or die!

Sorry its going to have to be die. I didnt take the camera with me when i went to see it and the car yard didnt even have the car long enough to punch it into there system before i bought it so no pics there either. But as soon as i get it i will.

glad to know you've found a new car.. does it have the recaro's and momo's?! either way.. you'll still enjoy it..
hope to see you again in future meets...

Yep its got the Recaro seats and the Momo steering wheel. Apart from the MMCS and the Tein suspension its almost exactly the same car. I cant wait to get back behind the wheel again.

manual? recaros?

Manual check. I wont drive anything but.

I thought you might have got a fast EVO based on your sig... or and EVO wagon.

The Evo is still a little out of my price range, but it would be the only car that i would cheat on the Galant with :p But the signature is a VR4, just alot of influence from the EVO range. Im seriously considering getting the number plates 816 EVO.

Interesting you should say that Jungle, because in my mind's eye I pictured you Brocky writing that post with a huge grin on ya face!!:D

Ive had a huge grin plastered over my face since i paid the deposit on the car. I feel like a little kid counting down the sleeps until santa comes.


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
I think we all know exactly what you mean, dude. Congrats on the new ride, that's fantastic news :)


Good one Brocky hope to see it at the next meet


First pics of Bea. There not very good. Ill get some better ones once i stop driving her long enough to take photos.





Thats awesome! I still cannot believe you found one that looks almost identical.
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