pplugg aka Richard // Adelaide - SA



Hey all, just thought I would introduce myself. As the title says my name is Richard or Rick as short, I love cars and sort of have an obsession with the Legnum's.

I currently only have my L's but get my P's in October which hopefully not long after I will get a Legnum. ATM I am currently driving a 1980 Holden WB Panel Van which will become my project car when I get a Legnum.




Leaving Skid Marks
Strathfield, New South Wales
First Name
Hey Rick, welcome to the club.
Start saving now so when you get your licence you'll be able to import a Legnum.
You're planning on having the Holden as a project car and the Legnum as a daily? Or the other way around? ;)


Yeah I will be having the Holden as a project car and the Legnum as a daily driver that I will do a few mods to such as exhaust, stereo, wheels, etc. But I will try to keep the Legnum on the road as much as possible.

Moneywise I have been looking at a few that are for sale and I will be setting my limit to around $17,000 for one with a Sunroof


Leaving Skid Marks
Strathfield, New South Wales
First Name
Nice. Are you importing or buying from a dealer? You could find a really nice example with a sunroof imported for a lot less than that - try $12,000?

Btw, are South Australia P plate drivers allowed to drive performance cars?


Nice. Are you importing or buying from a dealer? You could find a really nice example with a sunroof imported for a lot less than that - try $12,000?

Btw, are South Australia P plate drivers allowed to drive performance cars?

Really?? That cheap? I have been looking at dealer and private advertisements and ones in good cond. with a sunroof go for $15-18,000, poorer cond. and without sunroofs I have seen for $12,000 though. I haven't looked at importing one yet but I reckon that I will if I could get one that cheap.

Yeah we are atm, it is rumored that it may come in but I should have my P's by then, only worry for me would be insurance.



Hi Rick and welcome ... insurance is a killer for younger drivers ... its a shame because there are heaps of people driving un-insured cars around.
If u have a car already I would definately tell u to import, it saves u a small fortune, but u do have the 3 month wait ...
Kepp the $17,000 though and spend up on it when u get it ...

Good Luck with the P's !!


1 AYC Bar
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
I'm pretty sure Madhav got his car for 12 or 13k and has spent $5k on mods to get it over 200kw atw. He's got info floating around about it.

If you want something extraordinarily rare like a series 2 black manual with a sunroof, you'll be paying really serious money - mine cost around $18k to get here and on the road and that was importing myself. However if you're not fussed on stupid combos like that you'll get it MUCH cheaper - if you are ok with a white series 1 auto with a sunroof 12k is definitely achievable - I've seen cars as cheap as 10k. It just depends how patient you are.

Also remember importing yourself you'll have a MUCH wider variety of cars to choose from than those already in Australia. And if by some miracle you see a car for sale in Aus that fits in the mean-time, then no loss!


welcome. ull love the legnum :) insurance though...yeah umm...lol.


Hi Rick and welcome ... insurance is a killer for younger drivers ... its a shame because there are heaps of people driving un-insured cars around.
If u have a car already I would definately tell u to import, it saves u a small fortune, but u do have the 3 month wait ...
Kepp the $17,000 though and spend up on it when u get it ...

Good Luck with the P's !!

Yeah I might import but it all depends if I can force myself to be that patient as I am not known for being able to wait long periods of time.

I'm pretty sure Madhav got his car for 12 or 13k and has spent $5k on mods to get it over 200kw atw. He's got info floating around about it.

If you want something extraordinarily rare like a series 2 black manual with a sunroof, you'll be paying really serious money - mine cost around $18k to get here and on the road and that was importing myself. However if you're not fussed on stupid combos like that you'll get it MUCH cheaper - if you are ok with a white series 1 auto with a sunroof 12k is definitely achievable - I've seen cars as cheap as 10k. It just depends how patient you are.

Also remember importing yourself you'll have a MUCH wider variety of cars to choose from than those already in Australia. And if by some miracle you see a car for sale in Aus that fits in the mean-time, then no loss!

White.... No thanks I already have a white car, I would prefer something like Silver or Blue. I am not fussed if I get auto or manual, the van is manual so I can get my fix in that if I have to.

ahhh the day those p plate rules come in is the day my life ends!

Amen to that, my family and friends are sick of hearing me whinge about these stupid P-Plate laws already and if they get worse I will probably go mental.

welcome. ull love the legnum :) insurance though...yeah umm...lol.

Thanks, I take it that insurance is a killer for you.

where is SA are u?

North Haven, near Port Adelaide


nah insurance with me is fine (contacts FTW!), just that i know for younger people its insane! :(


Leaving Skid Marks
Strathfield, New South Wales
First Name
Third party fire and theft for the win. Rick i think by the time you get your car, you might be the youngest to own a Legnum VR-4. As long as you get your foot in the door before those bullshit p-plate rules come in.


Third party fire and theft for the win. Rick i think by the time you get your car, you might be the youngest to own a Legnum VR-4. As long as you get your foot in the door before those bullshit p-plate rules come in.

Youngest person to own a Legnum VR4....I like the sound of that!


tppd/tppdft on a vr4? considering the value of our cars, if its written off i'd hate not to get compensated for it!
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