SiliconAngel // Trevor - Western Australia


1 AYC Bar
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Hi! Just thought I'd pop in for a friendly hello. I don't actually own a Legnum as yet - I only decided today that I wanted to get one. But after looking through your forums for about six hours I've emailed some people and hopefully within a few weeks I'll have some Mitsi twin turbo goodness heading my way ;)

So before you ask, the handle is something I've used on forums for years - I work in IT and I used to be a moderator of the largest computer hardware forums in the country (don't know if its apporopriate to mention other forums in here by name, so I won't). So you can call me by my handle, by my name, or just call me SA - hundreds of people already do, so its just as valid as my real name anyway ;)

Currently I drive a '94 TR Magna I've been heartlessly (and very successfully) trying to kill since I got it. Not because I dislike it particularly or anything - its just that I drive my cars fairly hard, and as I don't have a pit-crew to clean up after me that means I've spent a lot of time learning how to rebuild a car I consistently break :p

But now far too many things are grinding and rattling so its time to call it a day, and I'm desperately in need of a vehicle with greater carrying capacity for work. I've been looking at Nissan Stagea's and WRX hatchbacks for almost a year now, but haven't found anything I liked enough to justify the pricetag. Then about a week ago I was shown a Legnum in a car mag and I've been researching like crazy every spare moment I've been able to find.

So with any luck I'll find a car sometime soon and join the rapidly growing legion of VR-4 fanatics, and I'm sure that will soon lead to me heading back here with regularity to find solutions to broken car problems and insane performance modifications in the quest for light-speed commuting.

Happy driving,

SA / Trevor


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
2001 Golf GTI
Welcome - good luck in the search!

What's on your "must have" list? If it's not too long and doesn't contain "manual" you should have no trouble :)




Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
Cab Colt & Evo 6
Welcome - good luck in the search!

What's on your "must have" list? If it's not too long and doesn't contain "manual" you should have no trouble :)



SA just ignore leebutts, if you have enough patience you'll get a manual, if you want one. After all I managed to score one fairly easily. Now if your after a white auto you'll have no problems. Regardless of the colour and the transmission your sure to be happy once you get behind the wheel. These legnum's are something special. Oh and welcome to the forum.


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
Sold my 1998 Legnum VR4 Type S
Welcome to the forum Trevor. We have a few Magna to VR-4 drivers in our midst. I hope you find the car you are looking for.


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
2001 Golf GTI
SA just ignore leebutts, if you have enough patience you'll get a manual, if you want one. After all I managed to score one fairly easily. Now if your after a white auto you'll have no problems. Regardless of the colour and the transmission your sure to be happy once you get behind the wheel. These legnum's are something special. Oh and welcome to the forum.

I didn't mean he'd never find one, just that it takes longer - geez :)


Leaving Skid Marks
Lifetime Member
First Name
Great to see you've joined the team Trevor, lots of us have travelled down the exact same path and discovered the Legnum while looking at other vehicles. Peter is rite in what he's said about being patient, if you keep hunting you will find what you want. One common piece of advice is to start hunting early, that way you can get a fell for what comes up at the various auction houses around Japan. Either way, good luck with your search and welcome to the site!


1 AYC Bar
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Thanks guys :) Yes, absolutely need manual. I have owned autos in the past, and won't ever be going back unless I destroy my left arm or leg somehow ;) Driving an auto isn't real driving...

So yea, looking for a black manual in 4 or 4.5 condition, so I know I'm in for a wait, but that's ok I haven't snapped the uni joint on the Magna (again) yet, so until I do I can wait for the right car.

Have been talking with J-Spec, Prestige and the Iron Chef and they've all been quite helpful. Any suggestions as to who is likely to be the best guy for the job?

PS subject says Trevor - South Australia, but I'm in Perth, Western Australia... :p


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
First Name
1999 Legnum Type S
Welcome mate!

I went from a TR magna to the VR4 too ;) Good to see you're driving the TR like it should be hahah! I managed to kill mine!

Fixed the topic title for you ;) That's the first time I've had to do any type of moderating on this forum lol


OZVR4 Ambassador
Lifetime Member
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レグナム Super VR-4
'ello SiliconAngel. Nice to have a fellow OCAU-er here :D. I'm not used to your post count being so low though! There are a number of Magna-to-VR4 converts here as well and let us know how it all goes with the new ride. I've actually held off some upgrades to finance these new shennanigans. Cheers!


1 AYC Bar
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
That's the first time I've had to do any type of moderating on this forum lol
Haha glad to give you something to do ;)

Hmm I think the term is 'driven into the ground', hence the upgrade. Cost of repairs is about three times the value of the car! Hell, just a new set of tires is only a little under half what its worth! On top of the uni joint, it needs a new gearbox and steering rack (just for starters), and there's something wrong with it causing the engine warning light to come on, but there's 8 different sensors that could be causing that and to be honest I haven't got any interest in dismantling half the car to work it out.

Although in its defense, I rebuilt the engine a few years ago and replaced the lifters while I was there, and its been rock solid despite the heavy treatment ever since. I think it probably helps that I never give it hell while its cold, I service it every two months and I check fluid levels twice a week. A lot of engines die because of poor maintenance and morons thrashing an overheated or unlubricated engine, more so than the actual driving itself.

I'm not used to your post count being so low though!
Haha 'sif I care about post-count. My infrequent posting on OCAU since I stopped moderating should tell you that ;) Although I will go to the effort of posting on the Motoring forum to show off the new ride once I've got it :p


Good to see more WA ppl on board ...
Hopefully be a few registered here in the next couple weeks if u want to check one out in the flesh let one of us know and we'll arrange a mini-meet :)

bogan bob

1 AYC Bar
First Name
'15 Amarok
Welcome Trevor!! The three companies you have been talking to seem more than competant import brokers, id recommend iron chef though ;)
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