Brenten88 aka Brenten // Melbourne - VIC


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
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'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
going through a broker or caryard is totally up to you.. most vr4 owners here got their car through a broker.. and are very happy with their cars since the brokers went for that 'extra mile' til the buyer gets the car in their drive way..

some of bought their car through car yard and had mixed outcome.. I for one, I'm happy with the car that I bought.. I had no dramas at all from the beginning apart from the parts i stuffed around with.. some buyers weren't so 'lucky'

but overall.. still is your decision... throw us some questions here when you do see a car at a yard or through a broker..


1 AYC Bar
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Perth, WA
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SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
It's not, they're lying - that car was made on the 1st of September, 1996 ;)

They've even got the engine code wrong - it's a 6A13TT, not a 4G72 :banghead:


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
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Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
A few other members have also said they were a bit dodgy, might be best to stay away


puri puri
Frankston, Melbourne, VIC
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CL9 Accord Euro Lux, GE Jazz VTi, Evil Supervillain Chair, Homemade Portable Square Drumkit
I got my car from Kamikaze. They weren't bad - I haggled them down quite a bit (over 2 grand) and the car was in really good shape. Got the thumbs up from Nick even.

Their website info is sometimes a bit inaccurate - I asked about this and apparently the website is not directly managed by them, it comes from some third party car listing and they're slow to react. Not sure what that says about the quality of the dealership, but eh - I'm happy with my car.

I could have saved a couple of thousand by importing through Kristian et. al. but Kamikaze provided a (somewhat limited) 3 year warranty and of course the instant gratification thing kinda got in the way lol

Edit: I just looked at the listing. If that car is anywhere near in as good shape as mine, I'd definitely take it for a test drive. Then try and haggle them down to $14,990.


Leaving Skid Marks
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hey nick does Tokyo Prestige do the compliance crap for there customers or do they just get the car to the showroom and then its up to you after that? thanks

Hey Brenten,

We handle it from end to end. So Bidding on the car at auction in Japan to handing you the key with the car complied and ready for rego.



I think the only problem I am gonna have guys is that when i have the money im gonna wanna buy one almost straight away and probably not wait for it to be imported so that leaves me with car yard, second hand from someone that has imported previously or maybe get lucky with an import place that has one that there trying to get rid of can anyone recommend a couple or reasonable car yards


hey i was thinking today what happens if u smash ya windscreen has anyone had to replace a window in these cars?


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Yep quite a few people. Most haven't had problems getting replacements. The Search Button is your friend ;)


Hey SiliconAngel, that parts list thread that your contributed to, those prices are they from and australian mitsu dealer? and were they in stock or would they have to be ordered? how long would it take for them to get them from japan? and did those prices include watever postage charges they would put on you because its from japan? thanks Brenten


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Brenten, the prices listed in the main Part Numbers Guide are mostly from a company in WA called Amcap, who are the WA parts distributor for Mitsubishi, Holden and a number of other companies. Prices from your local parts distributor will be comparable.

Mitsubishi have a worldwide parts distribution network, which means you can get parts for any car anywhere in the world. The caveat here is you pay for it - parts from Mitsubishi Australia cost between two and three times as much as exactly the same part from Mitsubishi Japan, although you don't pay extra for shipping. They'll take six to ten weeks to get to you as well.

If you take a look at the 100,000km service thread, you'll see I have a table near the end of that listing a number of parts including pricing from Japan, which gives you an idea on the markup.

Here's my advice - if you get yourself a copy of CAPS (Mitsi's parts database software) you can look up any part number for any mitsubishi vehicle made for the Japanese or NZ markets. You can then use those part numbers to order parts from any Mitsi parts department anywhere in the world, so I recommend going straight to Japan and saving yourself a lot of time and money cutting out the middle-men. Obviously unless you have Japanese contacts you'll need to use a parts importer to procure and ship your parts to you - Import Monster and Japan Parts Direct are two such outfits, and others can be discovered reading through the relevant topics throughout the forums.


OZVR4 Ambassador
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レグナム Super VR-4
Also, the fun of owning a grey import that has only been recently OK'd by DoTARS is doing a lot of the legwork yourself (and I do mean that) rather than rocking up to a garage and fix-and-forget.

It also means that you're a bit more conscientious when you drive (that term is relative of course :ROFLMAO:)
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