so many to choose from for me, but it would have to be one of these three. All of them show off the overall aggressiveness of my car, and just how hot those wheels are!
Taken with a happy-snap Olympus digital camera, with no flash and using my RalliArt golf umbrella as a makeshift "tripod" since there was long exposure involved. Had to find a puddle to get the funky reflection (to eliminate the usual bland spot on the photo with the car at this angle). I reckon a car like this looks most at home in the mud or in the wet. You know with the setup these things have it's best suited for it
Photo was quickly chopped to balance out colour midtones and contrast/lighting levels and made sure there weren't too many trees/poles/lights sticking from the roof. Wheels were angled in since seeing rims is better than tyre tread. Would you believe the car is actually dusty and dirty with only a quick squeedgie of the glass at a nearby petrol station... dull days and silver paint hides a lot! Maybe I read WAY to many car mags (Wheels, Motor and the now-defunct Speed) to give me idea for photos as you can tell from my ol' Magna pics. I just love this photo... The trick is to keep it looking like this!
BuzzPuppy I remember that article in Speed where they did an entire section on how to take quality photos, tip and tricks and stuff like don't park it on grass or have telephone poles breaking up lines etc
Still would love to try take one of those moving exposure shots taken from another car, when the car in focus is still, background is really blurry and the wheels are nearly see through.