As above, can anyone recommend a good mobile locksmith that can cut keys based on the ignition barrel? And works weekends without charging an arm and a leg?
Ive used Bob at Nelson Locksmiths at Edwardstown when my ex Mrs snapped the key in the barrel of the Vr commo wagon years ago.
He came to the house and fixed it up, but I cant honestly remeber how much it was.
Yea my power when off the other day when I was not homoe, the main power box outside was on but it had flicked the inside one so I could not use the garage door remote as there was no power, and I didn't have any keys on me.
4 hours later the lock smith turn up on time but I think he was a bit drunk! He couldn't do the front door so moved him onto the back door. Success.
Anyway $80 cash, some whated $150-$220 for the same job. I'd just smash a window if it was going to cost more.