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Overview of MUT

The Mitsubishi Multi-Use Tester, or "MUT" is a handheld diagnostic and test unit specific to Mitsubishi vehicles and used used by dealerships.

Prior to EvoScan, MUT was the only method of obtaining real-time data from the ECU. Prices for MUT units are extremely high, so most end users rely on tools like EvoScan to provide similar information, when coupled with an OpenPort 1.3 or OpenPort 2.0 adapter.


The MUT Protocol is proprietary, but has been reverse engineered by the developers of EvoScan. It is a relatively slow protocol, with a maximum data rate of 15,625 baud (roughly 15 kilobits per second). Communication is based off ISO9141, but without the L-Line. (K-Line only). It is a Bi-directional protocol, allowing for data to be sent to and from the system or module it is communicating with.


Five-baud init on ISO9141 Kline

Pass byte to initialise which system to communicate with

Initialisation Byte
Address System that will respond
0x0 Engine Control Unit
0x1 Transmission Control Unit
0x89 Immobiliser (not applicable to VR-4)
0x92 SS4II (not applicable to VR-4)
0x85 TCL
0x2 ECS
0x4 ABS
0x83 Steering (not applicable to VR-4)
0x91 HBB (not applicable to VR-4)
0x8 SRS
0x8A SWS (??? vr4 thought might use)
0x19 TPMS (not applicable to VR-4)
0x1A CAMERA (not applicable to VR-4)


After initialisation, 1-byte PIDs are sent, and a 1byte response is received.

To make sense of the response, a scaling is applied to make the value human readable.

List of PIDs here:

There are also commands that can be sent to operate actuators for diagnosis

list of PIDs here:

if data is not kept active, then reinitialization is required.