Hey did anyone see the crash on Saturday night? It was right after the schutzenfest on Saturday night. I was waiting at a red light on Sir Donald waiting to cross South Rd when i noticed a 4WD fly right past us, i didn't have enough time to say "He's gonna crash" to my wife before he crashed! He was collected by another 4WD going North down South Rd. It hit him on the left rear panel and the force sent the 4WD in the air and then rolled on it's roof and slid along Sir Donald Bradman road for 50m or so.
There were heaps of people around as it was right across from the Hilton Pub, I crossed the road and parked and walked to the wrecked 4WD where some people had come to help him out of the car. As he got out the car he started splashing petrol from a jerry can on the people trying to help him and picking fights with anyone who got too close. This guy was on something cos he got out the 4WD straight away and was pretty mobile, you really needed to see the 4WD if was farked! On it's roof with petrol coming out of the car plus what the guy had splashed around. A few bouncers from the Hilton tried to hole the guy down but with the feeling of the truck pending ignition with all the petrol and being so close they gave up. Another guy who was pissed of that he had petrol splashed on him gave him a few punches in the snout as well but he was boo'ed off stage for picking on a guy in shock! CRAZY!
So the cops finally rocked up 5 mins after I called them and the guy went over to the cop car with a air hose and some sort of connection on it threatening the cop who in turn pepper sprayed the man. (This guy never gave up) anyway they cuffed him and passed right by me and I looked at his face which was pretty messed up and he had a huge look of defeat on his face.
After we gave a statement we we're allowed to leave. As we drove off my wife said that she couldn't see the other car that was involved and earlier she said that he had driven off but I said that more than likely he had pulled over out of the traffic. Well anyway he wasn't there, which was weird as half his car was smashed on the ground.
Anyway did anyone see/hear of this as I can' find it in any papers or online and I'm sure it's news worthy...
There were heaps of people around as it was right across from the Hilton Pub, I crossed the road and parked and walked to the wrecked 4WD where some people had come to help him out of the car. As he got out the car he started splashing petrol from a jerry can on the people trying to help him and picking fights with anyone who got too close. This guy was on something cos he got out the 4WD straight away and was pretty mobile, you really needed to see the 4WD if was farked! On it's roof with petrol coming out of the car plus what the guy had splashed around. A few bouncers from the Hilton tried to hole the guy down but with the feeling of the truck pending ignition with all the petrol and being so close they gave up. Another guy who was pissed of that he had petrol splashed on him gave him a few punches in the snout as well but he was boo'ed off stage for picking on a guy in shock! CRAZY!
So the cops finally rocked up 5 mins after I called them and the guy went over to the cop car with a air hose and some sort of connection on it threatening the cop who in turn pepper sprayed the man. (This guy never gave up) anyway they cuffed him and passed right by me and I looked at his face which was pretty messed up and he had a huge look of defeat on his face.
After we gave a statement we we're allowed to leave. As we drove off my wife said that she couldn't see the other car that was involved and earlier she said that he had driven off but I said that more than likely he had pulled over out of the traffic. Well anyway he wasn't there, which was weird as half his car was smashed on the ground.
Anyway did anyone see/hear of this as I can' find it in any papers or online and I'm sure it's news worthy...