Legnum died while driving, now won't turn over


Idling at the Lights
First Name
1999 Legnum VR-4 (LGRZRO)
Hi Guys,

New face here, been a lurker for a bit and more recently a member.

I've got a 1999 Legnum VR-4 which has been great until recently.

On Friday night I was driving from Melbourne to Phillip Island and the the tacho and speedo dropped to 0 and had no acceleration at all, all lights and car stereo were working fine so I pulled off to the side to check and see if I could find the issue.

I thought it might be the IFS module which is why I had purchased an IFS bypass kit and brought it with me, I swapped that out and went to start it *POP* the 10amp inline fuse blew.

So I then tried to bypass it with the paperclip method and it then won't even try to crank.

I've removed the back seats to try and hear the fuel pump, it doesn't prime like a lot of cars but when cranking you can hear it work and I can smell fuel at least.

Car didn't overheat, battery voltage is fine and I've even swapped it out still the same issue.

Fuses are all okay both in the cabin and engine bay.

So I'm leaning towards an electrical issue or maybe even something grounding out, has any experienced something along these lines, or have any ideas?

The only other thing is that it's got an immobilizer/alarm fitted by the previous owner, not certain if that will help.

My next step will be to check up error codes when I've got time but I'm leaning towards something more serious as it's blowing the IFS bypass fuse instantly when set to accessories.



2 AYC Bars
First Name
Legnum VR4
Well you sounded like you were on the right track with the IFS, are you 100% you bridged the right 2 pins? 2 closest to the passenger side.

Very original username btw...


Idling at the Lights
First Name
1999 Legnum VR-4 (LGRZRO)
Well you sounded like you were on the right track with the IFS, are you 100% you bridged the right 2 pins? 2 closest to the passenger side.

Very original username btw...

Well I've got an update fortunately, I spent the afternoon/evening removing the engine loom and looking for any frayed wiring that could cause a short, low and behold I found a frayed wire showing copper which definitely would've caused a short as it would've touched the engine.

I traced it back to the coils I want to say, have repaired it and redone the loom and have got it starting with the bypass kit I have, with it plugged into the IFS module itself it seems to not want to turn over, so it's killed the IFS module but also maybe a coil pack as it's running rough almost missing.

Yep definitely bridged the 2 wires on the passenger side of the IFS when it first happened and same issue at the time it stopped.

It also wouldn't start with the IFS bypass.

Love your name by the way, I see you too are a fan of legnums and salty snacks haha

Fortunately I've had this username long before owning a legnum, probably around 2007ish.


Frayed wire was causing a short, have repaired the loom and got it started with a bypass kit & by bridging pin's 3&4, seems to have killed the original IFS module unfortunately maybe even a coil.
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