Problem - Heat affected Alarm ?


Leaving Skid Marks
Angle Vale
First Name
1988 Magna (Daily) 1975 GC Galant hardtop (W/End car) 1972 GS Galant hardtop, 1973 Galant GTO X-II, 1978 Galant (Scorpion) hardtop
Calling all electrical gurus :)
The last two days have been pretty hot here in SA (37+ :( ) And my newly installed alarm is playing silly buggers, got the guy who installs it out today and of course it worked perfectly.
But he did suggest it may be heat related?
The unit is located under the dash out of the sun (and sight naturally) but not close enough to the crash pad to absorb heat from there.
Anyone got any ideas how I can keep it cool??
Would some sort of insulation help? Like if I wrapped the box in something?

Cheers in advance,


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
Cab Colt & Evo 6
Stick to your guns and every time it plays up call him. Even if it's the middle of the night. In the end if the alarm is not operating correctly he's obligated to replace it. Which is what the alarm place did for me when I had a similar issue.


1 AYC Bar
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Jase it could be as simple as a dry joint and the hot days are just coincidence. I had an alarm that was screwing up a couple of years ago, took it in, of course it only played up one of twenty times, they said was because of my car's electrics, took it away, kept doing it, pulled the whole system apart and discovered a dry joint in one of their boxes. I actually stuck a soldering iron on it to fix it instead of taking it back (100km round trip for me then) and never had a problem again.

I agree with Pete - call them every single time it plays up. They'll get so sick of the phone calls they'll be GLAD to replace it for you (and make sure it works properly so they don't hear from you again!)


Leaving Skid Marks
Angle Vale
First Name
1988 Magna (Daily) 1975 GC Galant hardtop (W/End car) 1972 GS Galant hardtop, 1973 Galant GTO X-II, 1978 Galant (Scorpion) hardtop
They tried at one point to blame the auto window function, lol :wanker:
I got an "upgrade" system fitted, so it all works with my factory key.
But yeah, what its doing is, when it gets hot you can walk up to it, press unlock and the alarm goes off?? It seems to stop when it feels like it no matter what you press, there is no consistancy to stop it. Other times it stops beeping but will still lock and unlock, however the imoboliser is on so ya can't start it even when unlocked if it doesn't beep. Then it will work perfectly? Whats the effen good of having it if we are scared to use it?


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
2000 Legnum VR4 Type S
does it have a microwave sensor installed? I was told that these are quite sensitive and can false alarm a lot in hot weather.


1 AYC Bar
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
does it have a microwave sensor installed? I was told that these are quite sensitive and can false alarm a lot in hot weather.
Just leaving an air vent open can cause microwave sensors to trip up. I hate the damn things.

BTW Jase just moved your thread to the appropriate forum - you stuck it in the Site-specific feedback section :rolleyes:


Leaving Skid Marks
Angle Vale
First Name
1988 Magna (Daily) 1975 GC Galant hardtop (W/End car) 1972 GS Galant hardtop, 1973 Galant GTO X-II, 1978 Galant (Scorpion) hardtop
Cheers Trev,I just saw "problems" and chucked it in there :)
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