Wiring diagram for Alarm install needed


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
1999 Type S Legnum VR4
Hey all,

Well our Legnum is ready to pick up but we are away this weekend for the Forest Rally. I still need to have an alarm installed so will do this on Monday when we get back.
I wont have a chance to become a Paying member on Clubvr4 but if someone is and can have a look for any wiring diagrams for a Series 2 auto and either PM a colour chart or email the specs it would be greatly appreciated.

Or if someone already has it here to post up,even better.

Thanks in advance


scott5 @ iinet . net . au


Is it a good idea to have a wiring diagram on here to do with your alarm? Just makes it easier for the wrong person to find.
If your getting an alarm guy to install it they do not need wiring diagrams.

PM might be a better way to go. Just my thoughts anyway.

You will find some wiring diagrams of the ecu on here though.


Slightly off topic: Thats awesome news about the car being ready (means mine should be done soon :p), do ya know how long it took for the plate to come across?

Even more off topic: I'm heading down for the Forest Rally too. You spectating, competing?

Now on topic: Have you already got an alarm and going to install yourself? I remember Phil offering me an immobiliser/alarm from a mobile mob called True Blue? Pretty sure they did Madhav's car, Im sure he could arrange something


1 AYC Bar
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Scott I got an upgrade system installed by Identimark as I needed someone who could come to me. I've done some modifications to it already to make it essentially unhackable (without spending at least a couple of hours bypassing everything) and will be doing more, but the stock unit is pretty good.

The upgrade system allows you to use the factory key central locking system which was something I really wanted - I don't need an extra key-fob in the VR4 which I love.

Their tech didn't have any trouble working out the wiring as they're essentially quite similar to Magnas.

Cost around $350.

Glad to hear you'll be on the road shortly!!


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
1999 Type S Legnum VR4
The car was ready to be picked up last Wednesday or Thursday if that gives you an idea for plate time frame. I think it was about a week for the plate to be sent.

We went down to watch the rally. Was hoping to take the Leggie to show off but was still getting the money for phil together and had to organize an Alarm installed.

I am getting Reload Motorsports in O'Connor to install for me as i know the owner from our 4G63 VR4 day's and it gives him some experience with the Legnum's for future reference.

I didn't really want it displayed for all to see. That's why i included my email address in the bottom of the post (abeit with spaces) so someone could email it to me instead.

If all goes well, hope to take it over the pit's on Wednesday then Olivia has her new family car( quite a spritely family car though).




Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
1998 PFL Legnum VR4 2012 Skoda Superb 1990 Suzuki GSF250
lol, i didn't know how to install an alarm until i discovered how to use a multimeter, lolz, alarm is about as difficult as a cd player, lolz


alarm fitted with factory central locking with NO RELAYS !!!!!!!

I have just fitted an aftermarket alarm and 3 point immobilizer integrated into factory central locking with NO RELAYS OR NEW ACTUATORS!!!!!!

All we did was use the electronic key barrell and connected the lock and unlock wires o fthe alarm to the appropriate wires for the barell.

Essentially tricking the car in thinking im locking the car with the key but im not! hahahah works perfect! No relays or new actuators needed! took 20 mins!!!!

apart form the rest of the alarm which took most of the day!

Otherwise the alarm is fitted!!!
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