Everything you wanted to know about AYC


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
So far we know little about this super gadget that Mitsu added to this model of VR4's, so can everyone share their knowledge and experiences about this hardware and add it to this thread. So that in the future we'll all just go into this thread and look quickly.. As I had this discussion earlier with LeeButts and asked if there were any dedicated threads about the AYC and other parts why not have one like the Intercooler thread or the TD04 upgrades and probably others.. I thought why not have one specifically for AYC and add it to the index...

Here are the things that I've thought of so far...

1. How does it work and What it is..
- Links provided by gorgath.. thanks
- What is AYC?
- Mitsubishi Motors - Active Yaw Control

2. How to get it serviced..
- if you're technically minded person and know your way around your car.. and doesn't mind taking risks.. follow this link (thanks to SA for this)
- if you're not so technically minded or just don't have the time to do it yourself.. Known workshops that have done it before, not just for our cars but specially on Evo's (since evo's have been using it since evo 4+)
- Quote from lancerregister
"Q: Does the AYC fluid have to be changed at a Mitsubishi Dealer?
A: According to the current service schedules for the Evo 4 onwards, the AYC fluid for the AYC clutch packs (ATFSP-III is now used as AYC fluid is no longer available) and the ATF fluid in the boot reservoir has to be changed every 4,500 miles (it has been suggested that Mitsubishi may extend this service interval for the AYC to 18,000 miles at a later date). Changing the AYC fluid in itself is not a problem. The problem comes when you change the ATF fluid in the hydraulic actuator system as you have to bleed the air out. The workshop manuals do state that the hydraulic system can be bled manually but it has been found that it can be difficult to get all of the air from the system using the manual method. The easiest way is to use the Mitsubishi MUT-II diagnostic tool, which is an electronic control box that plugs into the car for fault finding and servicing. The MUT-II has a program that operates the valves in the hydraulic system in the correct sequence so the air can be bled completely. Unfortunately the MUT-II is only available at Mitsubishi dealers or selected approved agents."

* Workshops to get it serviced at..
* APC at Underwood QLD
* Neal Lowe at Springwood QLD
* Meek Automotive at Girraween NSW (can't find a google map)
* TechSport at Bayswater VIC
* Mitsubishi Yamanto QLD - no link yet..

3. How to Use it or How to engage the hardware..
- Make a quick turn and floor the accelerator.. probably not the best :D but always works
- Also refer to the link in Q1.

4. If things go wrong..
These are the things you'll need to check..
- Fuse & Relay for the AYC & ABS and TCL (if you have TIP)
-- Quote from Bradc "I've NEVER heard of the AYC fuse blowing at all, EVER. However it is a common trick to pull the AYC fuse in case you are driving with a space saver or have wheel sensor issues or whatever."
- Check your Tyres if they all have the same overall diameter..
- Typical electrical connections - see if there's any loose wiring etc.
- The Fluid.. check your AYC Fluid Level and if it smells burnt or rather old..
- Quote from Bradc "If any wheel sensors go the ABS light will come on first, so no biggie there.
- If you had flat tyre.. disable your AYC..
-- Quote from Bradc "You DO NOT under any circumstances want to drive with the AYC constantly at 1 bar god forbid 2. You will overheat the ATF, stuff the clutch packs, and end up with an expensive bill.
- "AYC Pump - if the light comes on on hotter days or after a bit of heavy driving you need to buy a new pump or adjust the pressure at which it requires to operate. PM mpbvr4 (malc) and ask him for a new adjustable switch." - another quote from Bradc

5. How can we improve it..
- I've heard from someone (not sure if he's reputable) that adding Oil cooler before or after the hardware will benefit from it's operation..
- S-AYC - somewhere out there had replaced our existing ones with the EVO version.. not sure if its the practical approach but I read somewhere that it works...
- Quote from Bradc "The S-AYC's fit fine and alter the handling quite dramatically, apparently allowing big long power slides around roundabouts as posted by the uk members, but I haven't experienced it myself, so I don't know what it is actually like."

6. Other hardware associated with it..
- ABS - ABS computer, sensor and others..
- G Sensors - can't seem to find places who sell this stuff..
- Replacing the AYC Pressure Switch - As stated in this link
- AYC Pump - good luck :D
- AYC Computer - will Evo versions work?!

All members.. just add whatever you can think of..
Admins & Mods.. Please edit where necessary..


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
2001 Golf GTI
I'd rather you just link to the recommended workshop thread than duplicating them all here. I guess we should make it a requirement that a recommended workshop must be able to service the AYC. Either that or add some info to each one indicating if they do AYC services.


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
I'd rather you just link to the recommended workshop thread than duplicating them all here. I guess we should make it a requirement that a recommended workshop must be able to service the AYC. Either that or add some info to each one indicating if they do AYC services.


feel free to remove the links i provided and just add the recommended workshop.. also probably add their website or google map with it.. so it's more user friendly..


I am not sure but I think that Gilly (3am web designs) has mentioned Les Haldine for servicing but I dont think he had the AYC serviced. Also what is stopping someone using 4 axle stands to service the AYC? Is it just the saftey aspect or is it better to have the electronic version done? If it is saftey driven the only risk is if the slips off the axel stands and someone is under it or the wheels are off. The engine will simply stall as soon as the wheels hit the ground it isnt a diesel or a huge v8. There is no risk of it running off if you use the jacking points that are recomended by your local mechanic or someone in the know!?!

Mac Dog

Leaving Skid Marks
South Australia
First Name
Red 1997 Legnum
After gettiing my AYC serviced with Les Haldane he said there is no need to replace the fluid in the reservoir. It never gets touched unless there is a leak in the AYC system


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
2001 Golf GTI
After gettiing my AYC serviced with Les Haldane he said there is no need to replace the fluid in the reservoir. It never gets touched unless there is a leak in the AYC system

That's like saying the gearbox fluid never needs changing unless it is leaking - which isn't true. I thought all lubricants will break down over time and under the stress put on them during normal operation.

If SA was here he'd post an awesome link to an article about lubricants deteriorating over time... I miss him... :D


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
where's SA anyway?!

also.. Macca.. with the AYC.. there are 2 pipes leading to and from the AYC Reservoir... so the fluid in there is circulating..


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
Mac - it does deteriorate over time. It should always be bright red like normal atf. when it starts to go brown you need to change it.

SA is away on maternity leave.


3 AYC Bars
Lifetime Member
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1 PFL & 1 FL Legnum
Kristian, add Mitsubishi Yamanto-QLD to the "servicing AYC link" Had mine done there many months ago.


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Awww feel the love! :bigsmile:

As suggested, the fluid in ALL THREE AYC chambers MUST be changed at regular intervals. They break down, no not over time, but with use. Try telling one of the CVR4 guys that ended up with a knackered AYC pump you don't need to change the fluid regularly. I'm not having a go at you Macca - its definitely a fair enough question - the answer is Les is dead wrong. Even assuming the AYC fluid doesn't do any actual lubrication (which it does) just pumping it around in circles causes cavitation, thus you have forced oxidation which will eventually change the chemical composition of your compound, turning your lubricant into an essentially useless liquid sludge.

Chris, can you do me a favour? Links to external sites are great for providing a reference, but if their site goes down or stuff gets moved all the links get broken and the info is gone. If you're linking to someone else's work, ask for permission to post it here. Otherwise provide a link to the original source of info and write it up in your own words here. Also if you could update the top post with anything actually useful that gets said here that'd be great too :)


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
Chris, can you do me a favour? Links to external sites are great for providing a reference, but if their site goes down or stuff gets moved all the links get broken and the info is gone. If you're linking to someone else's work, ask for permission to post it here. Otherwise provide a link to the original source of info and write it up in your own words here. Also if you could update the top post with anything actually useful that gets said here that'd be great too :)

Yep.. no problemo.. as far as I remember.. I've only used original links (links that hasn't gone down for years) but if links do get broken.. will try to source it from elsewhere then link it with the first post.. also some are quoted from xxx user..



Leaving Skid Marks
Tweed Coast, NSW
First Name
Luke M
1997 Legnum VR4
Here's another place to get the AYC serviced. Nice guy and fair price. Does work on Nissan's and Evo's mostly.

Gavin Wood Auto Tech
Unit 1/23 Gibbs St
Labrador, QLD

Also, any grinding noises from the AYC are not normal. If you are hearing grinding around tight corners when the AYC lights up you are overdue for a AYC service. My Legnum was doing this and after a full service of the AYC system everything is running smooth and with no noise.
The fluids for the yaw control is not changed at compliance as far as I know so a service is a good idea upon arrival to Australia (I also did other oils to remove compliance centres dodgy cheap oils of the wrong spec).


too bad when I got my half cut i didn't get all the necessary part to activate the AYC. So now no AYC for my galant.... =(


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
It would be very difficult and not worth trying to retrofit AYC into a car. Too many G-sensors, ECU, wiring, etc.


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
Brad.. thought that there was only 2 G sensors?! which are found under the centre console?!


Leaving Skid Marks
QLD - Brisbane
First Name
Legnum/4WD TD Hilux/260Z
Christian: Might like to take Mercury Motorsport off the list of people to service your AYC, as they don't have the capability yet...
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