too much oil


Crunching Gears
New Zealand
First Name
1999 Legnum VR-4 Type S
A few weeks back I had the VR-4 serviced at a Mitsubishi dealer and this included an oil and filter change. I'd have normally done this myself, but have been too busy. Anyway, I checked the oil to day and it was well over the full mark. Have drained about 500ml out and the oil level is now half way between the high and low marks. Would being 500ml too full have damaged the car at all? Has been about two weeks since the service.


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
I've seen a few british members say that the noise tappets made could be greatly reduced by keeping the oil level right on the high mark. How many mm was it above the high mark?


Crunching Gears
United Kingdom
First Name
1996 Legnum VR-4 Type-S
1997 RVR Hyper Sports Gear R
2001 Legnum VR-4 Type-S
I've seen a few british members say that the noise tappets made could be greatly reduced by keeping the oil level right on the high mark. How many mm was it above the high mark?
I found this to be the case on my V6-24.

As for the overfill, presumably if there was too much oil, it would have been forced past the rings and burnt off. Most likely to happen under high RPM and load, I would have thought.

Does anyone know if some oil forcing its way past the rings is likely to damage the rings or bores in any way?

Can't think it would be particularly bad, as even the F1 teams overfill sometimes, and the excess oil gets burnt off when the drivers welly it.


Crunching Gears
New Zealand
First Name
1999 Legnum VR-4 Type S
I've seen a few british members say that the noise tappets made could be greatly reduced by keeping the oil level right on the high mark. How many mm was it above the high mark?

About 5mm over high mark I would say. Have not noticed any change. Car sounded like a tractor when cold; same as it always has.


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
The biggest problem with having too much oil in the system is the crank can dip into it whilst rotating. If this happens it will churn your oil up into froth, stopping it from flowing and eliminating its lubricant properties, which can kill your engine dead post haste. The good news is if it hasn't happened already you didn't have enough oil for the crank to dip into it, so nothing to worry about :)
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