I bet he says that to all the girls - er, boys
Heath said mine was the nicest he'd seen so ner
Seriously though, glad to hear it's in good condition, it would've be a crime against humanity if that beautiful front bar had been damaged in transit.
okay my comments said that you CAN get a REBATE, not total refund, seaway will refund around $250 from the cost of truck shipping, i dont know if they allow internal cargo or not i dont have any so i have no idea if its allowed. it is going to cost me around $600 to get my car direct to my door from Shogun in brisbane so around 1300km's for around $600 seaway will then refund me around $250 to do this.
what my issue was is the car was to go between capital cities it would still be too far away and still cost huge amounts to ship, at least going direct and just getting the rebate i only have to pay around $300 - 350 to get it to my door.
Matt the rebate only applies to cars that are shipped through Kiwi Car Carriers, yours was shipped through Mitsui. Seaway, who handle Kiwi Car Carriers' business here in Australia, also operate as customs brokers, which is why you were in contact with them.
Yeah that's harsh... It's almost enough to make a grown man get a Commodore next time... Oh no did I just say that? A Commodore wtf!
*Fark man he MUST be pissed...*
Yeah sorry kids...
Kristian I want my car NOW! Do you know what it's like driving around in this...
Do you know how many drags I'm not winning? Btw I didn't take that photo... Stand in front of the sun, loser....