- Location
- Chicago
- First Name
- Mike
- Drive
- 1997 Mitsubishi Legnum VR4 COTY
2022 Subaru Outback Onyx XT
1999 Honda Civic EX
I was able to find a 7202 ECU and it is working perfectly now. Just need to find someone that can assist with remote tuning.
MD340289Whats the part number of your metal cased ecu?
I've fixed the Read templates... not sure why they were empty online...
recommend to delete any existing xml files in the ecuflash metadata folder and place all the ones here in there... or point ecuflash to a new folder which contains these defs and read templates.
If you're a MH7202F, make sure all the 2003001x.xml, 2381000x.xml files and vr4base.xml is updated to use H8539F memmodel.
MH7203F - make sure memmodel is set to H8539FA.
vr4_at_base.xml is for the auto trans computer. So if you're interested in reflashing that, need to make sure the memmodel matches the processor in the TCU (Not related to the ECU!)
MD340289 in a MH7201F should be an EM0005, so use an EM2005 rom.
MD340288 in a MH7201F should be an EM0004, so use an EM2004 rom.
There isn't much different between the EM2004/EM2005 roms, except couple of options and table values are different.
Latest rom 'version' is a 20030013, but a 20030011 will work anyways.
I've got a collection of roms if you need a em2005 20030013 rom
If you flash the 20030013 rom, it'll have the 'better' maps.
BDEL, WGDC, timing, fuel maps etc etc for 'hi octane map #1' and 'high octane map #2' are the same.
Will answer in depth when i get home...
But what defs you using? They dont look like the ones here.
^^^ which files do you have that is giving you all the WGDC values, my defs doesn't show those options.I'm reviewing Merlins EcuFlash Guide and notice the boost limits section. Does your definition XML adjust these or are they at stock setting?
Can I change the speed limit from 184kph to 220kph without fuel issues?
the tables should show up under 'Boost' heading
WGDC Map x - Low/High Octane
BDEL Map x - Low/High Octane
Even in this screenshot, wgdc is there, just as its full name - wastegate base duty cycleI’m starting to think I need to delete everything and start over. This is what I'm seeing:
Even in this screenshot, wgdc is there, just as its full name - wastegate base duty cycle
Same for BDEL - desired engine load.
For the TCL stuff, can you screen shot the following two tables for each rom?
I'm trying to ID your existing non-working rom.
'Software Version' and 'Spec Index'
'Spec Index' aligns with the column in the periphery (0-7... remember how I said that a rom can have 8 calibrations?)