Questions of concern



got the cooler fitted today, and i gotta say im a bit peeved. i asked for custom piping and if u call the standard pipes being replaced and the old hoses used NOT NEW silicon ones. also they took off my power steering cooler and plugged it up. so my questions are...

1. are the standard hoses on the cooler pipping equal or better the new silicon ones?
2. will not having a power steering cooler installed affect the car?
3. i have an oil cooler between the intercooler and radiator that has been covered up by some reflective metal sheet (like alfoil but thicker) will it now be ineffective?

im paying them a visit in the morning just need all the help i can get before i go down there and give them what for. mind you this is a reputable company, that i drove 5 hours to get to.

cheers gareth


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
97 Legnum VR-4
i would just simply say its not what i asked for, take it off and put it back the way it was and give me my money back or ask them to do it property and clearly define what you want or if either fails threaten to take legal action

by the way, all of what you said sounds dodgie as... if it was me i would be balistic at them, covering up an oil cooler with foil is just going to fry it... and possibly what ever the oil cooler is being used to cool. i dont even know why you would do that...


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
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1999 Legnum Type S
Put it all in writing. Either fax it to them or take it in and hand it to the manager/owner in person. Explain that it's not what you paid for and that if the situation is not rectified in a reasonable amount of time then you will take further action with the Department of Fair Trading.

If you're sensible and don't rant and rave like a loony initially you'll probably find it'll get sorted quickly and easily. Usually if you go in firing missiles you'll get told off.

If they fob you off that time, then feel free to go nuts and then just go straight to the Dept.

Good luck!


You should be concerned cause they are trying to screw you over.
1. The standard hoses are rubbish compared to silicon
2. The power steering struggles to keep cool even with the factory cooler and most people even upgrade it
3.Yes and it will stop anything else that's behind it from cooling effectively too

Silicon hoses are very expensive ranging from $30 to $70 per bend if that's what you paid for you'd best be getting it. My silicon hoses worked out to be more expensive than my intercooler and that was a PWR and their not cheap.


may we ask what you got and how much you paid and what they promised you??


$330 for the cat. $650-$700 to install cooler + piping + BOV. that included the silicon hoses and clamps. my dad picked the car up when i checked it when he got back i got underneath and had a look at the work. i paid $880 total today. but not once did i tell them to cheap out and re-use my hoses, or to remove and block off my power steering cooler.
also i supplied the cooler and the BOV.



1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
2001 Golf GTI
Definitely get the PS cooler put back - the pumps die pretty easy in factory form, let alone without a cooler!

As for the piping, it depends what you asked for and what they quoted on I guess. Either there was a break down in communication or they're being dodgy!

Have you got any pics that show what you got for $880?


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
Show us some pics so we can guesstimate what they've done and probably how much they should've charged you..

I wouldn't just go barging in with accusations without proper/concrete evidence.. My opinionnonly though..

Goodluck, also like everyone else have said.. You need that PS oil cooler there or upgrade it..


1 AYC Bar
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
And once again, without the PS cooler the pump will overheat and die - one from an FTO will be around $200ish, while a genuine part is around $700 from Japan and twice that through MMA. So you really don't want to continue driving the car with the cooler removed...

Those guys are clearly morons. Name and shame, please?


Firstly and most importantly DO NOT drive the car there if the temperature is going to be over 30c! If the power steering cooler has been removed on any car you will find the pump shit its self very quickly.
Secondly the oil cooler being covered will most definitely kill what ever it is cooling very quickly because of the fact it is not getting any air and now there is no air flow thru it the cooler will be affected by radiant heat as well as the oil flowing thru it!!

The ONLY reason to cover any radiator in any motor application is to stop the cooling in extreme cold ie vehicles in sub -20c (as the water will freeze even if it has anti freeze in it, oil will also become very thick).

Have a chat with them but be polite!! At first ask them what they were trying to achieve by covering the oil cooler was it more work down the line as that is all it will do. As well as that ask them why they took out the power steering cooler you will need it no questions asked!!

PM me if you need any help with this I am quite happy to help as I was caught up in something quite similar a few years back and know how hard ppl can be once you try to correct them at their own game.


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
just wanna ask everyone.. will the PS Pump die due to over heating or whatever is in the PS Oil line system?! reason I ask I remember opening up Lee's old PS Pump and the whole mechanism actually looked alright.. and still seemed like it was operational..


Once power steering fluid over heats it will become acidic and then eat the surface on the internal parts and the seals. So it would be a result both ways.


got it sorted this morning. they didnt put the ps cooler back on because... and i quote "it would have been a prick to get back on" so i said no i dont care, it needs to go back on. they put it back on took 1/2 hour. spoke to them about the piping and got some money back as i didnt want them touching the car again incase they screwed it anymore.
as for naming and shaming i wont do it publicly but anyone in sydney pm me and ill tell u so u dont have to get treated as i did.
can't believe this company has been around for over 15 years and heard no negative feedback about them..... until now

thanks for all your input guys much appreciated

also going to take it to a local mechanic to give it a once over incase there's something i've missed


some of the time the well known places are shit as they deal alot with sick VL turbo's that they can just throw a fmic and put some boost in it and the customer is happy.
and this is why i dont go to performance shops! i dont trust them, i have seen what goes on at tyre and performance workshops..


dont trust performance shops either most of them especially the bighype ones are a fly by night operation. As a business owner myself i think they should be publicly named if they have done wrong..


Leaving Skid Marks
Lifetime Member
NZ, Wellington
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Legnum VR4 "Grimace"
Nissan Leaf
I wonder how justifiable(sp) it is actually. Granted the tin foil and PS cooler are no-brainers, but I wonder how often they get a car in to have a FMIC chucked on and then get shouted at for charging extra for the silcon joins, etc. Okay they should really clarify better what is to be done before hand but we all know that doesn't often happen unless the customer says so first.
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