Leaving Skid Marks
ok guys.
i have a shameful confession to make. i have "yes.. it is cheap china stuff" dvd/tv with nav... i wanted JVC but...
only good thing about it is the navigation since the software is made in australia. however, i can not listen to music when i turn the nav on.
i changed speakers to MTX's and still sounds terrible.
so. was thinking..
install another head unit (i have spare sony with a rear aux rca input in and 3 RCA out puts. it was one of the high end models about 3 years ago) at the sunglass carrier, just above the ash tray. connect rca output from "china brand" to sony deck inputs and use the sony deck as a equaliser (it has a greart equaliser by the way). it will give me more ability to tune my amps and subs when i install them.
secondly, the smallest HD tuner for home TV was about the size of the pack of winfield blues.. maybe i can stick that in was well..
well, what do you guys think?
i have a shameful confession to make. i have "yes.. it is cheap china stuff" dvd/tv with nav... i wanted JVC but...
only good thing about it is the navigation since the software is made in australia. however, i can not listen to music when i turn the nav on.
i changed speakers to MTX's and still sounds terrible.
so. was thinking..
install another head unit (i have spare sony with a rear aux rca input in and 3 RCA out puts. it was one of the high end models about 3 years ago) at the sunglass carrier, just above the ash tray. connect rca output from "china brand" to sony deck inputs and use the sony deck as a equaliser (it has a greart equaliser by the way). it will give me more ability to tune my amps and subs when i install them.
secondly, the smallest HD tuner for home TV was about the size of the pack of winfield blues.. maybe i can stick that in was well..
well, what do you guys think?