Car dealers...


Leaving Skid Marks
South Australia
First Name
'00 Mitsubishi Legnum
... they shit me.

I decided to go in and look at this facelift Galant at a dealer this afternoon, just for shits and giggles (my car isn't sold yet so there's really not much point yet):

Now to me, that price is ridiculous. Especially when J-Spec have a nice type-s landed for 12.3l at the moment. But alas I had a chat with the guy anyway.

He guy was an absolute knob and must think all car buyers are idiots, because he told me that the higher the grade the more expensive they are to comply, that most he sells before compliance and this was the cheapest example you could find. There was a lot more but I can't be bothered typing it.

I decided to throw out a line and see if he would bite. He asked me what was stopping me from buying one. I mentioned they're cheaper interstate to which he gave me a bit of this :wanker:. I then mentioned that I can import one myself for about 13 on road - to which he said "if you can get them for that tell me who through and I'll use him" then crapped on that he can't get them any cheaper than this, and walked off.

So Ben or Kristian: give this guy a call. Obviously you can save him some money :ROFLMAO:

/Rant over


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
Cab Colt & Evo 6
Gotta agree. Some sales people are absolute f^%k wits. I had the same exprience today. Looked at a 96 pre face lift galant which they where asking almost $24k for. He said that I could have it for $20 I laughed at him and walked away. Not surprisingly he got the sits with me. They've got to be trying to make at least $8k on the sale of that car. The sad thing is that they'll probably get it.


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
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1999 Legnum Type S
The thing is really for what they are they SHOULD be going for those prices because even at that they're still awesome. We're just lucky they're not.

Though this does not give ANY dealer the right to act like that to a potential customer. What arrogant wankers.

Perhaps you should print off some ads and take them in to him?


Hahaha yeah welcome to the world of used car dealers... I'd say they are easily making 8 grand on that car if not more.... I think $23k is pushing it even for a dealer though, that's some pretty big bucks (EVO 6 territory, basically).


Leaving Skid Marks
South Australia
First Name
'00 Mitsubishi Legnum
I agree with you there. Compared with other cars they probably are worth 20k+ (especially the 1999+) but the reality is we know how much their 'true' cost is through people like Ben and Kristian


OZVR4 Ambassador
Lifetime Member
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レグナム Super VR-4
As long as they don't look over @ TradeMe in NZ :D

Why some of them are so arrogant is beyond the pale. Hell, if I BS'd in front of my clients, there would be some very interesting server configurations out there ;)


puri puri
Frankston, Melbourne, VIC
First Name
CL9 Accord Euro Lux, GE Jazz VTi, Evil Supervillain Chair, Homemade Portable Square Drumkit
Geez, I know I paid more than most of you for my car (15,600 base, 18,330 driveaway) but that was after haggling the dealer down from 17,990 base!

I was pretty satisfied with the way Kamikaze treated me. But then again I've never bought a used car from a dealer before, so maybe I didn't know what to watch for.

At any rate, I think my car was still a bargain considering it's in such good shape and only 65,000 kms. Plus I got a 3-year warranty (somewhat limited, but still nice to have). And it was a manual, which I really wanted. And the instant gratification factor of not having to wait for importing it - well, one month seemed like an eternity to me, but compared to how long some of you guys have to wait.....


I gotta agree that most car dealerships are full of down right dirty merchants, jacking up the price of cars then selling them for $2000 less which makes the buyer think he's got a bargin:

"Oh yeah, this 96 Legnum is real nice, only 180,000km's on the clock, all of which is highway driving! Now, we've got $24,000 on it, but cause I like you I'll let you have it for $22,000. How's that sound champ?"

But then every so often you find a decent dealership that sells cars for what they're worth. I picked up my 1998 Type V Legnum for $13,000 with a years warranty covering all mechanical faults. Mind you, it was completely stock, but was in absolute pristine condition! Only had 98,000 on the clock too!
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