Car got keyed...


Leaving Skid Marks
Tweed Coast, NSW
First Name
Luke M
1997 Legnum VR4
Grrr. Left my Leggy out the front of my house last night and drove it to work this morning only to be greeted by two decent sized rectangular coin/key marks above the V6 logo. :banghead: Luckily not too big and for some reason that is they only damage, suprised they didn't drag the coin down the length of the car.
You work hard to get something nice and some idiot comes along and decides to mess it up for no apparent reason. As far as I know i have no enemies and I don't hoon around so it sucks that someone decided to be a stooge and randomly take to my car. If it was jealously then what a joke, must take a real wanker to key someones car :wanker:. Ahh well, my rants over and it looks like i'll have to get the touch up guys or something in. No pics cause it's raining. Anyone else had anything similar happen?


I have a dirty great scratch on my front bumper because someone kicked a coppers log off its mount next to my car. I jumped in and started reversing out - CRUNCH! I have a 2 inch wide, 6 inch long reminder.

I also got keyed at Summernats last year, across the bonnet and up the side of my car. And a fair few shopping trolley dings. Oh, and BOTH of my previous neighbours have kindly doored me, with their white cars. Both denied it of course, not realising I have a dedicated spot at work where it's impossible to door me, and none of my workmates have white cars.

I ENTIRELY FEEL YOUR PAIN. And now you've put me in a shit of a mood :)


Leaving Skid Marks
Strathfield, New South Wales
First Name
Call around and get some quotes. Don't pay any more than $400 for the repair.
Whole-car length key marks will cost your a maximum of $400. Don't let them tell you rubbish like "you have custom paint which will cost more" or "the key mark is too deep" etc. etc.


Leaving Skid Marks
Driver, NT
First Name
96 Galant VR-4 Auto
That sucks Luke! Tell you what if I ever caught a scum face doing that to my car it'll be the offender calling the cops. I had a tool park his towbar into my front bumper and etched a nice cm wide scratch along the top. Left no details.:banghead:


Leaving Skid Marks
Tweed Coast, NSW
First Name
Luke M
1997 Legnum VR4
lol this is one painful thread to read. But yeah key marks usually aren't too bad too get out but it just kinda makes you wonder why someone would bother. Sorry to bring up such a depressing thread Connor, you can cry if you want man, im here for you :p
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