"Normal" noise for AYC



I have read different things in different threads but it's hard to get a clear picture on this subject. Some people have no noise, some have a "normal" noise.

So what do you experience from your AYC, and how long have you had that noise? People say they love hearing the AYC going nuts and it's something they've never heard before. My experience is a little odd. I should note that I had my diff and AYC fluids changed by a workshop yesterday and the noise is not as loud but it's still there.

Normal driving I can't hear anything. If I am going around a corner and one bar lights up I hear what I can only describe as "screeching" like a tyre screeching. It's loud enough to think it is actually one of your tyres skidding. I know it's not a tyre because you can't hear it outside the car, that and it happens when you're not going fast enough to actually be skidding.

If I get up to a second bar whilst accelerating away I get a louder screech, but sometimes I get another noise which kind of sounds like something scrubbing or a really horrible grumble. I really don't like it, I doubt that noise is the AYC. But the screeching is still there.

The one time I got a third light was going around a roundabout in the dry, had lots of tyre squealing but again, that same noise just got noisier from the diff. If I go onto wet grass or something and give the car a bootful and light up all three bars in a straight line I don't think it made a sound, either that or I was just holding on from the unexpected acceleration!

So yeah. All my experience seems to be having bars light up in a straight line makes no noise, it's only when going around corners that it happens. That grumble I mention I am treating as something else, I will be checking bearings and all sorts this weekend to see if anything's got play in it. That grumble is only really obvious when you throw the car into a turn, hence maybe too much lateral movement and maybe a wheel scrubbing.

That's what I am after. What do you consider "normal" noises, what noises have you had that you've fixed (eg. I had that squeal, the mechanic used the wrong AYC fluid, put XXX in it and the noise went away!), all that jazz.

It's just confusing there's so many threads about AYC that each one turns into a conversation about something entirely different! Surely if AYC was that noisy Evo owners would have complained about it. If my turbo's and BOV are so quiet to keep the 50 year old legnum owner happy, why have a diff that's so obviously loud from factory?


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
there shouldn't be any noise at all. I think you may have a problem with a tyre rubbing or a suspension part playing up.

Lift the car off the ground and put it in gearthen. The AYC should run at 1 or two bars, and it will let you diagnose any problems whether they are ayc or something else.


Hesitantly Boosting
First Name
ford xe 351 legnum vr4 Ford G6ET
Did they change the ayc clutch fluid as well?


The diff oil was replace with synthetic stuff, the AYC clutch fluid was replaced with SP-III. I don't think he touched the reservior at all.

The place I went to service Evo's which is why I went there :)

But still, this isn't just to fix my problem, I would like to hear everyone's stories. Will get the car up on stands on the weekend Brad, thanks!


mine doesnt make a sound... i was wondering what the hell people were on about when they said their AYC made noise...


Hesitantly Boosting
First Name
ford xe 351 legnum vr4 Ford G6ET
Mine made a sound at first, then the ayc clutch fluid was replaced and now there is no sound at all.


Crunching Gears
First Name
1997 Vr4 Galant Type S
Mine is totally silent. Some have reported a "whirring" sound when the hydraulic pump is running. Others have reported a "graunching" sound when cornering which has been cured by changing the clutch pack oil.


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
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SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Just on the straight line vs cornering thing, from my understanding the AYC will only really actively push power into specific wheels when the gyroscope tells it to. So if you lose traction 'cause you're in the wet but going in a straight line and the AYC bars light up, that doesn't necessarily mean the AYC is actively trying to push power anywhere in particular because the gyroscope is sitting still.

Is that an accurate summation? Wouldn't that then mean that any noise actually being caused by the AYC system will ONLY be noticable during lateral g activity (ie hard cornering)?


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
not really, it works on wheel speed sensors as well. Also typically when you are spinning the wheels in a straight line, the car will start to move a bit to one side, and the AYC system helps that. On the road it is fairly hard to feel, an uphill section of grass makes it much easier to feel :)


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
1997 Mitsubishi Legnum VR4
mine seems to be making all the noises mentioned but i havnt had it looked at at all yet, its booked into Mitsubishi for a service in orange on wednesday week will see what happens after that.


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
Sold my 1998 Legnum VR4 Type S
Yep, I get nothing.

Although when I am pushing really hard I get a tyre squeal noise :) (without the kids in the car of course :p)


Leaving Skid Marks
Lifetime Member
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1988 Honda CRX (Series 2)
1998 FL Legnum VR-4
2012 Kia Optima Platnum
I get no noise either. not since I replaced my wheel bearings.

I do get the AYC error light on hot days, but thats only because I haven't replaced the pump fluid yet.

It could be other factors. Like you said Bearings, they may not have any play but still make noise. Remeber the Japs coat their roads with salt in winter, so bearing life is crap, especially if its been sitting for a while. My car was quiet when I first drove it, but after about 100km it then started droning loudly, from the rear. Especially turning right. Is it any louder turning right than left, or vise versa...???

Secondly, your dust covers may be bent and might be sitting too close. And rub on the disks in corners.


Leaving Skid Marks
QLD - Brisbane
First Name
Legnum/4WD TD Hilux/260Z
Normal driving I can't hear anything. If I am going around a corner and one bar lights up I hear what I can only describe as "screeching" like a tyre screeching. It's loud enough to think it is actually one of your tyres skidding. I know it's not a tyre because you can't hear it outside the car, that and it happens when you're not going fast enough to actually be skidding.

If I get up to a second bar whilst accelerating away I get a louder screech, but sometimes I get another noise which kind of sounds like something scrubbing or a really horrible grumble. I really don't like it, I doubt that noise is the AYC. But the screeching is still there.

Exactly the same with my legnum (just got it today, fresh import), both the whir of the pump and the grumble of the clutch packs. Will get all the fluids changed soon....see how it goes!


haha, didn't realise people had posted here!I pulled the fuse out and all noises from my diff are gone, so it has to be either the pump or the actual clutch pack making noise. Right now I need to spend my cash on replacing the cam belt instead of investigating this. The only noise is heaps of tyre squeal :D Knowing my luck by the time I get the next lot of cash together I'll need tyres instead of looking at the AYC!It's funny Craig says he gets an AYC error code on hot days, on a few hot days here I got a traction control error show up. That was only two days maybe, haven't seen it since.


Leaving Skid Marks
QLD - Brisbane
First Name
Legnum/4WD TD Hilux/260Z
Just wondering, if my ayc is noisy, should I be pulling the fuse to prevent any damage till I get the fluids changed? Or is it likely to be fine?


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
not sure if its a wise idea.. if it was me.. i'd only take it off for a few days.. not weeks..

I once did took off the fuse for the ayc.. had issue with the ayc playing up due to uneven tyres.. after replacing the tyres/wheels I never had issues with it..


Leaving Skid Marks
QLD - Brisbane
First Name
Legnum/4WD TD Hilux/260Z
Anyone here flushed/bled the ayc system themselves before? Or has everyone taken their car to a mechanic? I need to find a good description of the process. Might do it myself.


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
i might try... i'll see if i can do it since my dad's got the vacuum/pump kinda thingy for these kind of jobs..

Brad or Gly... can I disconnect the power to the ayc pump and connect it to a separate power source so i can bleed it? just wanna know if you guys have done it before this way..
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