Should have put 3 in
are you using a spare one or are you driving around with a massive hole in your dash? lol
Sydo said:You'll hardly see 'em way down there.
Poor lonely gauges.
Looking good mate.
Trevor, you'll understand this quote... it's very "Defyant"
For the rest, google that term up and you'll see what I mean
Its fairly obvious, really - first of all the cars are very new to Australia, so its only people with an ability to search for information that even know what they are for the most part. A LOT of people find us by seeing or hearing about the cars and hitting up Google. Being an online forum you'll typically get a lot of IT people, too - hell there are thousands of VR4's in NZ but how many of those owners are here or even on CVR4? People who sit at computers all day are the most likely suspects Huh Brad?What is it with VR-4s and computer geeks? lol