Auto Trans Coolers


Leaving Skid Marks
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2000 Legnum VR4 Type S
Hey just a few questions about the aftermarket transmission coolers.

1. Are these a generic cooler that trans places will have in stock?
2. Will they do a trans flush when fitting them/do they need to?
3. Can anyone recommend a place in SA to do them?
4. Is there a technical name for these so I don't sound like a chump explaining these to trans specialist?
5. Anyone had one done in Australia that can comment?
6. Are these regularly used by other cars?


Leaving Skid Marks
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Sold my 1998 Legnum VR4 Type S
1. You should be able to use any generic tranny cooler, size will be the only limiting factor (ie. where you put it)
2. I dont think you need to flush the system, but you may need to add a little bit more fluid.
3. Dunno, but any Auto Transmission place will be able to help you out.
4. Tranny Cooler / Transmission Cooler
5. Not yet, but it will be one of the first things I do.
6. They are popular aftermarket in V8 and drag racing circles, they are pretty simple really.


Leaving Skid Marks
Lifetime Member
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Gavin Daniels
2006 Mercedes Benz ML320CDI

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1997 Legnum VR-4 Type S
2000 Galant VR-4 Type V (Race Car) (regretful sale)
Hey Guys,

From reading the clubvr4 forums, most people there seem to use the mocal coolers. I havent been able to locate a supplier for them here in Australia, but I also haven't looked very hard as yet.

The main item that has been discussed is to ensure that the transmission cooler is plumbed in on the outfeed of the transmission, then runs through the radiator and back into the transmission. The transmission apparently runs best with the fluid at a specific temperature, and there are some notes about people experiencing erratic issues when they either fully disconnected the radiator connections, or plumbed it in where it runs back into the transmission. This was apparently because the fluid going back into the transmission was too cold.
But I havent looked any further than this into it, so I am not sure which hose is the in and out on the transmission either.




1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
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Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
All that they are is a radiator, hence any trans cooler will do fine. Holden have various towing packages that they install with their auto cars, including one rated for towing 2100kg. Have a look at the size of the radiator on that one, it is huge!


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
2000 Legnum VR4 Type S
Hey Guys,

From reading the clubvr4 forums, most people there seem to use the mocal coolers. I havent been able to locate a supplier for them here in Australia, but I also haven't looked very hard as yet.

The main item that has been discussed is to ensure that the transmission cooler is plumbed in on the outfeed of the transmission, then runs through the radiator and back into the transmission. The transmission apparently runs best with the fluid at a specific temperature, and there are some notes about people experiencing erratic issues when they either fully disconnected the radiator connections, or plumbed it in where it runs back into the transmission. This was apparently because the fluid going back into the transmission was too cold.
But I havent looked any further than this into it, so I am not sure which hose is the in and out on the transmission either.



I emailed Mocal and had a reply from a chap from who says that errr... Cut and paste...


Deemon Tweeks is the Mocal distributor in the UK. I can quote you a price but shipping may be as much as the cooler. What size cooler do you need and for an accurate quote what is your shipping address?

Thank you,
Customer Service
Racer Parts Wholesale

Do you know which size we need?

This maybe a hassle, surely there would be a good enough one here in Australia yeah?


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
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Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
yeah there will be heaps of good ones in Aus, look at all of the auto holdens and fords that are used for towing.


Leaving Skid Marks
South Australia
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VR-4 Legnum
If you are interested in getting a good deal, you should consider signing up to the forums at There is a trader only section with lots of good deals, updated daily.

That is where I got my oil cooler kit for the race car. B&M core with Permacool filter relocator kit and lines etc. Well worth the cash.

I will use something similar on the trans on my leggy, but I will also use a thermostat.


Leaving Skid Marks
South Australia
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VR-4 Legnum
OK, I spoke with MV Automatics here in Adelaide. For those interested, he can do oil cooler kits, trans service and flush as below:

Cooler Kit - $310 supply/fit
Trans Service - $130
Flush - $65

Total is $505. Mike said that the cooler core would be fitted in the space between the intercooler and radiator. The system would be hosed using the original radiator as a temperature control device, and the new core as a means of controlling that temp. Thus, no external thermostat if required.

I will be getting this done as soon as I get the time and money. Hope that helps others in SA keen for some auto love ;)

MV Automatics
1 Stirling Road
Blackwood SA 5051
PH: 8370 0430
FAX: 8370 0431


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
2000 Legnum VR4 Type S
Is it me or does $505 sound like a lot for a Cooler/Trans Flush/Service?

I was hoping $350 or $300 if I supply my own Auto Trans Oil... Just going on what the kiwis have been saying... $200 for a Auto Cooler...

Feel free to educate me on how I'm being too cheap mind you.... :)

I just called Boostworx who are a very reputable Adelaide Mechanics for Imported Cars and they will call back tomorrow with a official quote using a B&M trans cooler until then they gave me a rough idea of around $350 for supply install flush service using the Amsoil Trans Fluid. I'll let you know how much he quotes tomorrow though...


Dave from RPW was saying the price for the cooler was alot cheaper .. hopfully he hyjacks this thread with some info ...
maybe search for other threads on here, he might have mentioned it before.


Leaving Skid Marks
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Keep us posted on how you go Matt, I'm keen to see what it end's up costing you seeing as I just spent 2k getting my box fixed.


Leaving Skid Marks
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2000 Legnum VR4 Type S
Yeah no probs, 2k - was that for a rebuild? I didn't know you were getting yours redone... Did I miss a thread about it? If not can you give me a rundown on your experience from woe to go?


1 AYC Bar
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Perth, WA
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SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Haha Matt, yea you missed a whole lot - Steve totally blew his gearbox up, when they pulled it apart little cogs and metal fell out everywhere :(


Leaving Skid Marks
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2000 Legnum VR4 Type S
mayday, I can't see the thread about it... Well not in this part anyway... Can someone link me up...


Just out of interests sake guys, 2nd gen magnas came with a trans cooler stock and they can be picked up for about $20 from wreckers now, have herd of a number of people on AMC running them in their 3rd gen magnas with success. If your a bit worried about 2nd hand i know RPW were selling a trans cooler for magnas a while back and im guessing it should work the same on the VR4's.


Leaving Skid Marks
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Matt there is no thread about it! I've been sitting on it as its a bit of a booring tale :p

What happened was that I sent my leggie in for a full service. Timing belt, water pump, fluids etc etc, but what I really wanted done was to replace my torque converter seal as it had been leaking AFT since I had brought it home.

When my mechanic finally dumped all the fluids to pull the auto trans out little bits of metal ring started flowing out with it! Yikes.... He told me about it and recommended that we either take it out and let a mitsu trans guy look at it or do the work, re fill it and hope for the best lol!

It was a split second decision to have some one crack it open and see what was going wrong so out it came and off it went. Within 12 hours we had word that it was a reverse gear ring that had shattered and it would be an easy fix, with an upgrade to boot.

The only problem?, well the quote was $2100 just to fix the crazy thing let alone all the work to pull it out and re install it AND all the other junk I had wanted done before we knew there was such a problem.

All up it took a week to get fixed. He cleaned the whole thing so it looks like new, I have a 20k km warrantee on the rebuild and it goes like stink now too! It was a big expense but well worth it in the long run.


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
2000 Legnum VR4 Type S
Fark what a drama! So how much did it cost you all up inc labour?

Mine started leaking as well and I thought I had to replace the torque converter seal. It was going to cost $450 for that alone. But as it turned out it hasn't leaked for a while now, so I think it's ok...

What I have noticed is that my gears aren't shifting real quick and sometimes feel like the timing isn't great as not often but they will rev high before gear changing... I'll wait and see but I hope mines not on the way out too...

Was yours giving you real grief before it was fixed?

Also how much fluid were you loosing out of the torque converter seal?


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
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Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
Matt - first thing to do is to change the fluid to Mitsi SPIII or Amsoil and reset the ECU, then see what the changes are like.


Leaving Skid Marks
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Matt the fluid wasn't leaking, it was bleeding man. I also had some issues like the slipping and over revving so its well worth getting a service done. All up the entire job cost me about 3k but my mechanic owed me some cash which brought the total down :D
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