
Crunching Gears
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LTD and 1300 coupe
So I shot this little video of my dash. Just wanting to confirm my thoughts, whether I'm correct in thinking I have codes 12(tps) and 22(input shaft speed sensor). Am I right or am I reading it wrong?


Idling at the Lights
First Name
Galant VR4 1999
Hi, I am getting code 41, 44 and 53 on the CEL.
41 Injectors System
44 Ignition Coil, Systematic Power Transistor Unit
-- (No.1 - No.4-cylinder) <DOHC>
53 Ignition Coil, Systematic Power Transistor Unit
-- (No.3 - No.6-cylinder) <DOHC>
My car is misfiring badly, shakes, smokes with a strong fume of gasoline.
Car was running fine (with a hiccup every now and then) and then gradually worsen to this what it is now (gradually as in within 30mins to 1hr) about 2 weeks ago after I got the exhaust leak repaired (unlikely related).
I have swapped the coils/spark plugs between the front 3 cylinder and tested for spark with a spark tester and all firing fine. However spark plug from cylinder 4? (front mid) is wet with gasoline, so suspect this to be the culprit. Swapped the injector, problem is still in the same cylinder. Took out my multimeter, probe the wiring connector and both prongs shows ~12.5v when car is off (with +ve side on the battery +ve), is this normal? The other two connector from cylinder 2 and 6 gives me 12.5v on one and 11.5v on the other. I am wondering if I got a short some where or the ecu? help please.


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
Hi, I am getting code 41, 44 and 53 on the CEL.
41 Injectors System
44 Ignition Coil, Systematic Power Transistor Unit
-- (No.1 - No.4-cylinder) <DOHC>
53 Ignition Coil, Systematic Power Transistor Unit
-- (No.3 - No.6-cylinder) <DOHC>
My car is misfiring badly, shakes, smokes with a strong fume of gasoline.
Car was running fine (with a hiccup every now and then) and then gradually worsen to this what it is now (gradually as in within 30mins to 1hr) about 2 weeks ago after I got the exhaust leak repaired (unlikely related).
I have swapped the coils/spark plugs between the front 3 cylinder and tested for spark with a spark tester and all firing fine. However spark plug from cylinder 4? (front mid) is wet with gasoline, so suspect this to be the culprit. Swapped the injector, problem is still in the same cylinder. Took out my multimeter, probe the wiring connector and both prongs shows ~12.5v when car is off (with +ve side on the battery +ve), is this normal? The other two connector from cylinder 2 and 6 gives me 12.5v on one and 11.5v on the other. I am wondering if I got a short some where or the ecu? help please.

with the coils, check the middle and closest to g/box

as for injectors.. Not sure how you can check these without the proper tools - either replace them or clean (?!?)

also do you have any oil leaks around the belt / cam gears area?

have you changed your spark plugs? if not, how old are they?

as for testing the coils, what device did you use test this? Also was this at ambient temp or engine bay temp?


Idling at the Lights
First Name
Galant VR4 1999
with the coils, check the middle and closest to g/box
I have tested these with a spark tester and all seemed normal.

as for injectors.. Not sure how you can check these without the proper tools - either replace them or clean (?!?)
I have checked the resistance on these injectors, and checked for pulse and all seemed normal.

also do you have any oil leaks around the belt / cam gears area?
No. But there is leak from the valve cover gasket area. And also some exhaust leak at the exhaust manifold.

have you changed your spark plugs? if not, how old are they?
I have not replaced the spark plugs as I have only done 3000km on this car. I have replaced this with known good plugs and the misfire does not seem to improve.

as for testing the coils, what device did you use test this? Also was this at ambient temp or engine bay temp?
The test that I did was on the injectors, not the spark plugs. I back probed the injectors and connect it to a led test light and all the injectors are pulsing normally.

I have not yet checked the rear bank spark plugs or injectors, will do that at some point. But at the moment my spark plug at cylinder No.4 is always wet with gas so I am just going to start here.


OzVR4 Stalker
Brisbane, QLD
First Name
'96 Galant VR4, '17 MB A180, '25 Macan GTS
try and source a temp coil, if cylinder 4 is always wet with fuel, most likely the coil isn't firing and same goes to cylinder 1


Idling at the Lights
First Name
Galant VR4 1999
try and source a temp coil, if cylinder 4 is always wet with fuel, most likely the coil isn't firing and same goes to cylinder 1
I have swapped the coil with cylinder 6 and the wet spark plug problem still remained in cylinder 4. I have swapped injectors, spark plugs, coils and checked for injector and spark plug pulse and all seemed well. Compression test came out good also 170psi.
CEL comes on occasionally, and only after I rev the engine or take it for a drive. If I let it sit idle I dont remember CEL ever comes on.
Oh and when the car used to run fine, it idles reasonably high when in park or neutral when engine is at its operating temp. Somewhere around the 1600-2000rpm. When in gear it is sort of normal, about 700-1000rpm. Dont know if this tells anything.


Idling at the Lights
First Name
Galant VR4 1999
A little progress but car is still misfiring.
Replaced all the spark plugs (all 6), checked the resistance to the spark plug tube from the coil and all seemed normal. Ohm test the injectors and all came up a solid 17.0 ohms. Supplied power to the injectors and all responded with 'clicks'. It is safe to say I have spark and I have fuel. Car seems to have everything it needs to work.
Now I am wondering if it is the ECU? The injectors and spark plugs are flashing (when hooked onto a led test light) when car is running, will this rule out ECU as well?


Idling at the Lights
First Name
Galant VR4 1999
Took out the spark plugs, the #4 cylinder spark plug is not wet anymore (and doesnt smell like petrol) after replacing the spark plug and injector for that cylinder. However it is still misfiring and smell of gas out the exhaust. One thing that intrigues me is that the signal wire in cylinder #4 receives constant ground (both key on and key off) - test light clip on +ve battery, and probe signal wire and the led lights up. it is not doing that on the other injectors. Do I have a short somewhere or is this normal?

battery voltage shows 12.53v on key off
key off power / ground
Cyl #2 11.3v / 12.53v
Cyl #4 12.53v / 12.53v
Cyl #6 11.3v / 12.53v

battery voltage drops to 11.86v after key on
key on power / ground
Cyl #2 5.76v / 0v
Cyl #4 11.86v / ov
Cyl #6 5.78v / 0v

I am no good with electrical wiring so I am hoping I am getting things right. Cyl #4 seems to be the odd one out is what I am trying to pinpoint.

Also while I had the intake plenum off, the intake for cylinder #4 is clean, compared to the other 5 which is brownish oily in color. Does this mean anything?

I hope someone can help me here.


Idling at the Lights
New Zealand, Southland
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1998 Legnum VR4 - Bought it at 290,000KMs this thing stock as hell
1997 Legnum - Non Turbo 6A13 - just hit 200,000KMs! 15,000 since ownership
1998 Super VR4 - Living on jackstands... for now.
Hey guys I have just done my flashy dashy and I've gotten two faults.
(ABS) Amber - 16
And Swervey Car (Traction Control?) also Amber - 16
Just bought the car, there's a throttle issue aswell. On accelration it ramps up then cuts down, then ramps up slower then once at a speed it stays there. Based off the previous diagnostics he got done they told him a new TPS sensor and a new ABS ECU (which I have located in the car and gotten the model number for MR409118). So my questions are:
A: What do you think those fault codes indicate? (Check to make sure I read it right please
B:Could I swap the TPS sensor from my 1997 Legnum for testing to my 1998 and if so which sensor do I replace in the 1998 (it has two)?
C: Is that the correct ABS ECU for my 1998 model?
D: Do I buy a new ABS ECU and see if that fixes my acceleration problem?

Thank you, any help would be appreciated. I can't wait to get my Type S going properly I'm very excited.


Idling at the Lights
First Name
1997 Mitsubishi galant v6 vr4 automatic
First of all - reset the ECU, then drive the car for a while and check if the code is still there/returned. Often codes will appear from a momentary error in the circuit etc but not be permenant faults, thus a reset will simply remove the code/ problem solved!

However, if its still there, post back and we can try help again ;)
Hi the.. Can u tell me how to reset the ecu 97 galant v6 vr4 please. Thank you

Baba Galant

1 AYC Bar
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Galant VR4 twin turbo 1997
So I have an intermittent error code TCL 75 coming up.
It's happened 3 times over the last month, only when cold and only after about 50kmh. What is ECU Strain?
When it happens any normal acceleration attempt feels like a massive air/vacuum leak.
Pulling over and restarting the car clears it, back to normal like toit never happened.
Yesterday it happened again with the engine light coming on flashing 14, TPS error and the TCL 75.
Voltages and settings for both TPS and APS sensors are correct.

Legnum in America

1 AYC Bar
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1997 Mitsubishi Legnum VR4 COTY
2006 Mercedes E350 4matic
2022 Subaru Outback Onyx XT
1999 Honda Civic EX
Looking for a little help with my codes. Thanks in advance. TCL light came on today and check engine flashed but went off after 5 minutes of driving.

I did replace the throttle body with a JDM Diamante that already had both TPS sensors attached.

I believe this is what the codes are.
TCL code 75
Engine code 14

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Legnum in America

1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
First Name
1997 Mitsubishi Legnum VR4 COTY
2006 Mercedes E350 4matic
2022 Subaru Outback Onyx XT
1999 Honda Civic EX
So I have an intermittent error code TCL 75 coming up.
It's happened 3 times over the last month, only when cold and only after about 50kmh. What is ECU Strain?
When it happens any normal acceleration attempt feels like a massive air/vacuum leak.
Pulling over and restarting the car clears it, back to normal like toit never happened.
Yesterday it happened again with the engine light coming on flashing 14, TPS error and the TCL 75.
Voltages and settings for both TPS and APS sensors are correct.
I am getting the same code. I changed the Throttle body last week. The new TB came off a 95 JDM Diamante that already had both TPS sensors. After an Evoscan the TPS is set to 11% which seems a little low. I don't have any idling issues and she purrs like a kitten but today on my way to work I got Engine code 14 and TCL code 75
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