Amsoil specific oil feedback



As there are now a lot of different threads on oils, I thought it might be good to make a couple of specific brands of oil threads that we can leave feedback on.

Amsoil oil, engine flush, gearbox oils, diff oils....... any ASMOIL oil product let us know how it performs, any problems, tapping after .....KM’s and what your using and maybe prices.

-----Below is a list of Amsoil dealers in Australia. -----

VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT: A1 OILS – Australia
Peter Crossing
Po Box 7007
Broken Hill, NSW, 2880
PH: (08) 8087 7890
FAX: (08) 8088 7518
MOB: 0427 269 645

WA: Dean (Doc) Harrison
Synthetic Lubricants WA
188 Maddington Road
Maddington, WA, 6109
PH: (08) 9459 8603
FAX: (08) 9493 3184
MOB: 0408 903 218

QLD: Ross Lawson
Alpha Lubrication
PO Box 479
Maroochydore, QLD, 4558
PH: (07) 5448 5953
FAX: (07) 5448 5943
MOB: 0427 624 494

SA, NT, TAS: Bruce and Kath Pavier
PO Box 1278
Mylor, SA, 5153
PH: (08) 8388 5294
FAX: (08) 8388 5294


1 AYC Bar
New Zealand
First Name
Facelift Manual 400hp VR-4 Legnum
Amsoil 0w30 engine oil - used by most of clubvr4, cures ticking problems on startup, unlike about 5 other types of oil I've used.

Amsoil ATF - fully synth, better than the mineral Mitsi SPIII stuff and fully complies to the standard. Again, used by almost all of cvr4. Can be used to replace SPIII in the diff too.


Leaving Skid Marks
First Name
2000 Legnum VR4 Type S
I've used the Amsoil Engine Oil and it works great... It's a reasonable price too compared with the Amsoil ATF which for a full change will set you back about $150 for 10L (Ouch)...

I will try it one of these days when I'm rich though...


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Tests have apparently shown their Antifreeze/Antiboil product to reduce temps by up to 10°C, so I've got that in my car as well as 0W30 engine oil, ATF SPIII, 75W90 Severe Gear and 75W90 GL4 compatible product (in the gearbox). Also have an EA020 oil filter and trying to see if they have an air filter of the appropriate size.

Car's off the road at the moment, but I'll let you know how things progress once it's running again. I'll be getting oil analysis done by two companies (for consistency) in 5,000km.


I want someone to explain to me how this can reduce temperatures?

and reduces temperature (I can confirm this as tested in my wifes car, well royal purple ice which is the same sort of stuff)

It reduces engine heat by reducing the surface tension of the radiator fluids for improved heat transfer.


Leaving Skid Marks
QLD - Brisbane
First Name
Legnum/4WD TD Hilux/260Z
and reduces temperature (I can confirm this as tested in my wifes car, well royal purple ice which is the same sort of stuff)

It reduces engine heat by reducing the surface tension of the radiator fluids for improved heat transfer.

Yeah I suppose I can see where there's the potential for an improvement due to an increased in surface wetting with lower surface tension. I just have my doubts it'd be much of a difference.

Maybe a drop or two of dishwashing detergent would sort out that surface tension equally well. ;)


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
I would assume it works by increasing the thermal conductivity (heat transferrance) of the water, but then I've seen quite a few performance reviews showing the difference between various commercially available additives and straight mineral-free water are minimal, although none have included Amsoil. The THEORY is sound enough - if it can pick up more heat from the engine and get rid of more of it into the radiator the potential for a temperature drop is there. But the reality?

As I said, test have 'apparently' shown a 10°C difference, but I haven't done any qualitative tests myself so that comment is purely anecdotal - take it with a healthy spoonful of salt.


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
Here's a page with a bit of information. Marketing and propaganda? Or honest expert opinion? As with everything you read on the web, keep that salt handy. But there is quite a bit of lab data to back up most of this stuff.


Leaving Skid Marks
QLD - Brisbane
First Name
Legnum/4WD TD Hilux/260Z
I'll take the salt thanks. :)

I suppose the next point is, what is the point? Provided your cooling system isn't under sized then it wont change anything. The temperature your engine runs at is governed by the thermostat. If you put some magical additive in that increases the efficiency of you cooling system, you'll just be achieving the same temperature at a lower flow rate through the radiator. Engine temperature is the same.

If your cooling system was right on the edge of its capacity, then there could be a benefit. However, it'd be marginal, if not negligible in my opinion.


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
All good questions Justin :) Personally I chose the Amsoil Antifreeze because I was going to have to get a coolant product anyway, and I figured I may as well use the best *shrugs* Sure it's expensive, but if it's stable enough that you really can go five years between changes then you'll end up saving quite a bit of money.


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thats ****en gay!


1 AYC Bar
Premium Member
Perth, WA
First Name
SA, Trevor
'99 Legnum VR4 Black MT
I continue to be surprised by companies that seem to be living in 1992 - Paypal is extremely secure and simple to use, I don't know why more companies aren't taking advantage of it...


I continue to be surprised by companies that seem to be living in 1992 - Paypal is extremely secure and simple to use, I don't know why more companies aren't taking advantage of it...
i think it has to do with the fact they pass on the 5% fee for credit card purchases to customers and alot of people arent willing to pay the extra 5% when using a credit card.
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